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maybe because it makes fun of retardation, but I love this song...

Stupid Girls by Pink

darkpuppet,Apr 14 2006, 09:52 AM Wrote:maybe because it makes fun of retardation, but I love this song...

Stupid Girls by Pink

Not a fan but appreciate the message. She was in Toronto this week speaking to high school girls about self esteem which is nice.
she rips on a few people in the video, quite funny!
hate that song, but a pretty good message in the song.
pink is nasty....
Pink IS nasty, same with the video and that song sucks. But sure, the message is good.
Pink has the abdomen and hips of a boy, when she wears lowrise pants it looks like she should have a wang
Definately a good message.
She's one of the few left in that industry with a soul. I won't be cranking her tunes, but I respect her stand and her music.