FocusCanada Forums

Full Version: Aftermarket Flex Pipe
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anyone know where i can get an aftermarket flex pipe in canada for a reasonable price. i called a few of my suppliers for the shop but they either had to special order it which would take 6-8 weeks or it was WAY ove 200CAD. if anyone has a hook up lemme know k. thanks.
Mitch @ is most likely your best source north of the border..... if you can actually reach him.

Been trying to get a flex off of him for a couple of months now....
there in lies the problem. kinda need one quickly. i may have to settle for a used stocker. i know theres a few peeps on here with connections sumwhere.
umm, i have had 2 FS flex pipes in stock for months now, i gave you my number in a PM a long time ago and you never replied or called...?

paypal to: sales @ (remove the spaces)
total cost shipped to your dorr taxes in will be $174.36cnd for 4-6business days shipping. if you need it faster PM me with your postalcode and i'll get youi a quote on overnight or 2-3day...