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Full Version: I Finally Got Fed Up With The Wife
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I can't believe what she picked. I just got sooooooooo tired of showing her cars, that I finally said go find one and buy one.

Your never going to guess what she decided on.

A subaru.

Fawk me.

which did she pick? the STi?
Legacy? Outback?
Rex for best value. Done.


I pick up mine in a week! :D
I think it was my "test drive" that convinced her, brought her over the edge so to speak.
meford4u,Apr 1 2006, 10:02 AM Wrote:Fawk me.


2001 ZTS,Apr 1 2006, 10:30 AM Wrote:I think it was my "test drive" that convinced her, brought her over the edge so to speak.

You took the wrong sister out spank me very much. Now I need to get even with her and have a threesome with both, just to teach her a lesson. :D
I'm going to laugh my ass off if it is a Tribeca. :lol:
2001 ZTS,Apr 1 2006, 11:23 AM Wrote:I'm going to laugh my ass off if it is a Tribeca. :lol:

ding ding ding.

She said she needs all that room for her "dates"

I don't know what she means? I thought she was out working all this time :o
lol.. :) Say it ain't so..not a tribeca. Not a big fan of those cars. But it definitely suits a women.
RIP meford.

Well I guess it will be good for all her camera equipment.

Those aren't wedding photo shoots she's taking late on Saturday nights BTW.
oh noes... not a tribeca....

Why oh Why did she choose the tribeca over the milan?
Well I had to go to the Hamilton office and decided to stop in at the MeFord palace on the way back, sure enough...............its a Tribeca. :lol:

It's the 5 seater not the 7, not sure what else I want to say.....................and that's unbelivable as I'm normally a Sube fan................lets go with: nice colour, Atlantic Blue I think it is called.
Good to see you again Andrew. Thanks for drinking my last beers and hitting on my wife.

Come over anytime.
meford4u,Apr 1 2006, 05:34 PM Wrote:Good to see you again Andrew.  Thanks for drinking my last beers and hitting on my wife.

Come over anytime.

Next time you can be the nacho man.

Your old lady is a charming hostess, keep her despite her vehicular taste. Besides you'll probably appreciate it next winter.
If your truck turns to dust, you only have yourself to blame! :lol:
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