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Full Version: Mods Wanted!
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FocusCanada is looking for mods!

All you need to be a mod are the following:
- you are an active and contributing member of
- you are able to dedicate time to moderate the forums you're responsible for.

regional mods
We need mods for the regional sections, so if you reside in a province, we need you! :P

overall forum mods
we need more people interested in general moderation of the forums, including signature/avatar enforcement.

specific forum mods
is there a forum you take particular interest in? wish to improve that forum? we're looking for you!

Please post here, or PM myself (darkpuppet) with which forums you're interested in moderating and why you believe you'd make a good moderator.

moderator posts won't be made public in a posting, however, it's not guaranteed that moderator positions will be made public. Anyone can be a mod! apply now!

bunny for mod of the cage!
something productive come out of the wings and beer tonight? besides you guys adding a few pounds?? :ph34r:
meford4u,Mar 31 2006, 11:22 PM Wrote:bunny for mod of the cage!

The cage doesnt need a mod...

but FC needs me as a mod

pick me pick me ... for overall or the tech/ focus related section
Count me in. Anywhere's fine. I'm pretty much always on the forums (even at work).

As discussed Steve-0...

I think making a few of the "not expected" members mods would really help build the proffesionalisim of the site... Give them a reason to care about what they post may be a good formula.

Keeping your "enemies" close at hand?
You did have me going for a minute. But I'll play along.

Good one asshats.
I can take on Ontario Region. Might as well toss in the Atlantic provinces as well as I'm the closest thing you've got to someone actually from their.
If it's a joke, nice one :)

If not... I'll throw my hat in for ICE and Performance, as those are two topics I feel I do alright in for knowledge.

I'd also offer to mod for Ontario. :)
How long has bunny been the mod for the cage? Like we need another asswipe in the cage.

Hey asswipe is ok to say. No stars with asswipe.
Good to see asswipes.
Anyone notice the mods have been awfully quiet today and let us have the run of the place with our shananigans?

Of course we still have bunny the mod around to piss off.

Asshat bunny!

I am drunk with power now..

ANTHONYD,Apr 1 2006, 08:59 AM Wrote:As discussed Steve-0...

I think making a few of the "not expected" members mods would really help build the proffesionalisim of the site... Give them a reason to care about what they post may be a good formula.


Looks like the word is spreading!!

[Image: mefordformod.jpg]
ZTWsquared,Apr 2 2006, 03:00 PM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Apr 1 2006, 08:59 AM Wrote:As discussed Steve-0...

I think making a few of the "not expected" members mods would really help build the proffesionalisim of the site... Give them a reason to care about what they post may be a good formula.


Looks like the word is spreading!!

[Image: mefordformod.jpg]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ZTWsquared,Apr 2 2006, 03:00 PM Wrote:
ANTHONYD,Apr 1 2006, 08:59 AM Wrote:As discussed Steve-0...

I think making a few of the "not expected" members mods would really help build the proffesionalisim of the site... Give them a reason to care about what they post may be a good formula.


Looks like the word is spreading!!

[Image: mefordformod.jpg]

but your next :D
i'll be a mod, put me anywhere thats needed.
I'd be interested. :)
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