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Found it on the jet. Wrote:Call your local dealer - Please call your local dealer and tell him you are participating in the Ford boycott.  To find your dealer, click on the logo below.  Please be polite.  Please do not argue or debate.  Here is a suggested message for you.  “I want you to know that I am participating in the boycott of Ford Motor Company.  I ask that you pass along to Ford Motor Company Chairman Bill Ford my concern regarding Ford’s support for the homosexual agenda, including financial contributions to groups promoting homosexual marriage.  I’m asking that Ford remain neutral in the cultural battle concerning the family and marriage.  Thank you for listening to my concern.”
boycotting against gays is for faggots
This thread is :fag:

edit: It still angers me......donate money to that yet let SVT die! :unsure:
hardk0re,Mar 21 2006, 10:16 AM Wrote:This thread is  :fag:

edit: It still angers me......donate money to that yet let SVT die!  :unsure:
Ford has some messed up priorities. Maybe the guy running it isn\'t very straight shooting.
so sad...

chalk up another reason not to re-buy a ford.
Good point Kev.

If that's true... it's yet another reason to get a Subaru next time around.
Maybe it's because gays spend more money on cars than all the SVT crowd put together since forever. Probably because the demographic is made up of doctors, lawyers, and others with a lot of disposable income because they're not encumbered by children, ex-wives, or what have you.

Ford is in the business to make money. The cars are only a means to an end.
The CAW is a big supporter of gay rights and I'm sure the UAW is too. Wouldn't be surprised if it was driven from within and not an idea that corporate came up with all of a sudden.

Even uber conservative me couldn't give a crap. Who exactly do people who boycott Ford think they are going to "hurt" by doing this anyway? I'm pretty sure the average Larry lunch pail auto worker ain't ghey. Even meford is only half ghey.

Subaru has been targeting the ghey market for years. The Forester is as synomomous with butchy lesbos now as mush as Birkenstocks and pill box hats.
2001 ZTS,Mar 21 2006, 12:38 PM Wrote:The CAW is a big supporter of gay rights and I'm sure the UAW is too. Wouldn't be surprised if it was driven from within and not an idea that corporate came up with all of a sudden.

Even uber conservative me couldn't give a crap. Who exactly do people who boycott Ford think they are going to "hurt" by doing this anyway? I'm pretty sure the average Larry lunch pail auto worker ain't ghey. Even meford is only half ghey.

Subaru has been targeting the ghey market for years. The Forester is as synomomous with butchy lesbos now as mush as Birkenstocks and pill box hats.

not to mention Jeeps and gay men.
I just want to make it clear that I don't have any particular problem with gay people. Cousins of mine are gay, my brother-in-law is gay/bi, depending on the month he's having :lol:

However, because Ford doesn't donate cash to a pile of money to every decent straight special interest group that advocates the straight way of things... that means they ought to just stay out of it anyways.
I ain't gonna touch this with a 10ft pole.
I dont give 1 flying fawk what gays do with their own time.

Some people need a life :rolleyes:
Flofocus,Mar 21 2006, 01:20 PM Wrote:I dont give 1 flying fawk what gays do with their own time.

Some people need a life :rolleyes:

I agree, let them live their lives. Aslong as i don't have to be a part of it I don't care.
the AFA is just another hate group... Nazis in almost every respect.

last time I checked, money donated by ford (or the ford fund) didn't seem to be overwhelmingly favouring gays to my knowledge...

From their 2004/05 sustainability report

Quote: Higher education $27.4 million
Health and social programs $15.5 million
Arts and humanities $13.1 million
K-12 education $8.1 million
United Way $5.1 million
Continuing education $4.1 million
Environmental research and programs $3.3 million
Other auto-related environment and safety $1.3 million
Sounds like a nice typical "Christian " thing to do. What about just accepting people for who they are, gay/bi, lesbian, strippers, drunks, assholes, nice guys, wise guys, etc. Matt. 7:1 Judge not lest ye be judged. Yeah, right. That's why I stopped going to church, sick of being judged by a bunch of hypocrites.
the church already accepts (and embraces) drunks, assholes, and child molesters..
There are so many legitimate reasons to not like Ford (North America) did anybody really need to "make up" new stuff?


Gimme my factory turbo :angry:
darkpuppet,Mar 21 2006, 02:26 PM Wrote:the church already accepts (and embraces) drunks, assholes, and child molesters..

They're called priests aren't they? :ph34r:
habmann,Mar 21 2006, 01:35 PM Wrote:
Flofocus,Mar 21 2006, 01:20 PM Wrote:I dont give 1 flying fawk what gays do with their own time.

Some people need a life :rolleyes:

I agree, let them live their lives. Aslong as i don't have to be a part of it I don't care.

I have to admit I had a good laugh at this whole topic..... If I was going to boycott Ford it would be over the american part of the company screwing it's self over, and over and over again and for not bringing out some of their world cars, or continuing with them being sold un-molested like the Cougar kinda was..... I'd boycott them over the new ST not being an option as the SVT is no longer available etc.... but over this ? I have to admit many americans are too brain washed by their Conservitism too much even by their church leaders, and government.

but as a gay male I can break down the typical cars sought after in the gay community by both sexes, this was actually listed this way on 2 weeks ago.

Subaru Forester - very popular amoung Lesbiens in the collage range
Subaru Legacy Outback - the typical Lesbian family car of choice
Volvo 850 Wagon - Popular amoung gay men with young children
Volvo XC90 SUV - Popular with older gay couples with mature teens in their family
BMW 3 series - the " typical " gay professional car of choice
Ford Mustang Convertible - Very popular for childless gay male couples in their 40's, often a 2nd runner up to the BMW 3 series Cabrio
VW Bettle Cabrio / Coupe - very popular amoung the flamboyant croud
Saturn Ion Series - Popular around the young lesbien collage students
Honda Element - Seen as very Butch in Lesbian circles and versitle in the male circle
Ford Focus Wagon (ZTW) - it's good runner up after the Pricey Subaru option if money is an issue.
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