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"In you face :censored2: "

Had my annual "performance review" today. Despite everything else going on in my life I keep chugging along with ship like momentum.

It appears that I will be recieving 3rd party training to obtain my "Project Management Proffessional" certification. Starting immediately, my existing management sucess in seeing one of our subsidiaries over a major hurdle will now be used to help all projects belonging to all our subsidairies as well as the parent company.

No mention of raise in pay yet but it inevitable at this stage. For the first time today mention of the title of "Director" was used. In our hierarchy that is just below VP.

I started as a co-op student with this company less than 10 years ago and that was working on a ship. I've been in the office about as long as I owned a Focus.
2001 ZTS,Mar 20 2006, 08:21 PM Wrote:I've been in the office about as long as I owned a Focus.
So how long was that? It's for sure less than 5years. As you own a 2001 but that's assuming you've owned it since new.
no more captain?
A buddy of mine, well my old manager, did his PMP 4 months ago. He said it was one of the hardest tests he'd ever written.
Once he got the pass papers, he took it into the office and they added 10grand to his paycheck.
It's also a highly transferable skill too. Our current department head, came over to the security industry with (pretty much) only his PMP.

Glad to hear things are going well.
Congrats on the sucess
congrats man, think you could hook me up with a job.
Congrats on the success, but (if I read you right) don't continue to dwell on the person who "got off the gravy train". It sets you up for bad karma.
I'd congratulate you but I think I am on your ignore list.. woo woo?


Congrats dude.

Now go to the bar and get yourself a younger, hotter, gf/wife.
i read this title before clicking and i thought it would have somehtign to do with Bub-Rub and his exhaust mods. :lol: :lol:

anyways congrats man
Thanks guys, for a dude in limbo in his personal life and a guy who hates winter I have had an awesome winter.

j3rt: it doesn't sound like full certification is what they had in mind, a two week course was mentioned and that was it. I guess full PMP will be something I'd pursue on my own. Definately sounds like a good thing to have up one's sleave.

OAC: thanks for the kharmic warning, I won't talk about how well my RRSP's are doing in that case :lol:

yellow: always on the look out, I'm seeing a hot blonde Bay Street lawyer on Thursday night for drinks

meaford: never had time to get my full Captains papers for the big ships before being hauled into the office. I am qualified for smaller commercial ships and hold watchkeeping mate unlimited which means I can act as navigating officer for any ship in the world of any size.

phantom: bought the Focus in August 2000 and joined the office in April of the same year.

Thanks for all the props guys, I appreciate it. In the past life my sucesses always seemed to be cause for resentment at home. One of the many things I never understood about married life.
your ex wife and mine should get together....she too could never understand how hard work and dedication in one's career pays in so many ways.. my ex actually thought that my existence was too make her happy....and you could never do fact the harder you try the harder it was to keep her happy....

anyway... great vnews for you , I can totally relate as my business is doing so much better since I left my wife as well. I am going to assume it is the clarity of mind afforded when you are a little older, and ,a situation arises that forces you to think in ways you have by default to conventional thinking avoided.....

keep up the good work.... I can tell you from experience that to be healthy in mind , body and soul it gets easy to move ahead in life.....
wow... great news man...

remember me when you start your own company and are looking for a fully managed IT shop.
I meant the rum captain silly. I didn't actually know you had captain status. But good for you.
I'd offer congrats but something tells me that I am on that magic list.
Congrats!!!! Yet more proof that hard work does pay off!!!!

You young guys take note of this!
Congrats mang!
I think im in the same boat as Nos and Nass...but congrats anyways.
FociPhil,Mar 21 2006, 12:13 PM Wrote:I think im in the same boat as Nos and Nass...but congrats anyways.

Haha, i think i am too :ph34r:
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