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Full Version: Check Out This Guy From To
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That guy is crazy. I wish i had half of his energy.

Some of the stuff he does tho is awesome. I don't know if i'd call it matrix for real. They could hang in the matrix, he can't. Hanging in mid-air is pure matrix.
I'd seen that before, but he's awesome. I wish I could do that, but concidering it almost makes me sore and tired just watching him, I don't think I could even try.
Joe Eigo... Ive trained with him many times... Cool guy... Extremely skilled.
That guy is awsome!
someones gonna have major arthuritis when old :lol:
I had a feeling you knew him dan, I was just amazed at the level of skill that guy has.
pure ninja shiz...friggin awewome!!
That's sweet! I could train to a near parkour level, but not that s*%! :lol: