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2001 Street Edition Sedan
175,885.8 kms
5 speed no Criuse Control,

Highway in Travel no stops till empty - mid 700 usually.
Highway mix (see below)- 575 - 620ish - usually
City 480 - 550 - really depends on how bad the traffic is round me.
with a/c on and all highway driving 510.6
with a/c on and mostly city 425 - 480

I also have to mention most of my driving is like 85% highway 15% city cept on the weekends.
Mine varies, but it sux with the A/C on. With the A/C off, I can average 575-600 km's doing 20km/hr above the speed limit on the highway. In town, about 450ish from full to empty. Got 126,000 km's on it now, still rockin the FR 9mm wires, Ford 100% Syn 5W20, Ford Plugs, AEM CAI, FC TB and Gen 2 MBRP with a stock exhaust manifold, flex, and cat.

And though at times I think that the fuel economy could be better, I remind myself that the tank on a ZX3 isn't very big in the firstplace. It's at least 10L smaller than my dad's V6 5spd Topaz Coupe...
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