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MAlby7,Mar 8 2006, 12:04 PM Wrote:Ya I'm @ Humber and I have a bad feeling that this strike will hurts the students more than help them!

That's all I see.
MAlby7,Mar 8 2006, 01:04 PM Wrote:Ya I'm @ Humber and I have a bad feeling that this strike will hurts the students more than help them!

Not to mention the cost of it. Remember time off now means less time off in the summer = less money later on.
Adding to Student woes......... check out my link in the ontario section
It's a crock.

It's that simple. If the testing methods don't allow for efficient enough marking... move to a computerized method.

If they're this influential for kicking and screaming and making a nuisance of themselves, perhaps some of that energy would be better spent improving the tools they have for prep and marking time.

EDIT - Frost, what else do you want them to do? Bankrupt the colleges and universities because of the mandatory raises and perks? Someone has to pay the extras... and that ends up being the students.
Frost__2001,Mar 8 2006, 04:27 PM Wrote:Adding to Student woes......... check out my link in the ontario section

I'm so glad I dont deal with any of this school BS anymore. In high school my teachers went on strilke and I got sent down to the VP's office all the time for expressing my thoughts on their gay ass union. :rolleyes:

And now a hike in tuition....My sister just asked for more shifts from work so she could afford her books AND put gas in the car, thats already 15 hours/week. Little to much for somebody thats suppose to be concentrating on her education and not how she's going to pay her way threw school. This world is going down the s***ter and fast.

Flofocus,Mar 8 2006, 08:49 PM Wrote:
Frost__2001,Mar 8 2006, 04:27 PM Wrote:Adding to Student woes......... check out my link in the ontario section

I'm so glad I dont deal with any of this school BS anymore. In high school my teachers went on strilke and I got sent down to the VP's office all the time for expressing my thoughts on their gay ass union. :rolleyes:

And now a hike in tuition....My sister just asked for more shifts from work so she could afford her books AND put gas in the car, thats already 15 hours/week. Little to much for somebody thats suppose to be concentrating on her education and not how she's going to pay her way threw school. This world is going down the s***ter and fast.

I remember the Austrian exchange student from high school. She was telling me that for post secondary students they are not allowed to work while attending school. The government subsidizes their familes ( based on the income status of the family ) while the child is in school so they concentrate on schooling and not anything else.

must be nice
^--- I worked 40 hours/week between 3 jobs in university..

didn't sleep much from Friday - Sunday.
darkpuppet,Mar 8 2006, 05:23 PM Wrote:^--- I worked 40 hours/week between 3 jobs in university..

didn't sleep much from Friday - Sunday.

So did I. Actually 20 hours at Mcdonalds and 20-25 at Bell.

I was an honor roll student when working 15-20 hours a week in high school.

Average mark in College was a C+. I didnt do much of my homework assignments, didnt have time.
I worked 25-30 hours a week MINIMUM from high school right through college. It sucked, but i didnt want to owe that much for student loans.
Flofocus,Mar 8 2006, 03:49 PM Wrote:
Frost__2001,Mar 8 2006, 04:27 PM Wrote:Adding to Student woes......... check out my link in the ontario section

I'm so glad I dont deal with any of this school BS anymore. In high school my teachers went on strilke and I got sent down to the VP's office all the time for expressing my thoughts on their gay ass union. :rolleyes:

And now a hike in tuition....My sister just asked for more shifts from work so she could afford her books AND put gas in the car, thats already 15 hours/week. Little to much for somebody thats suppose to be concentrating on her education and not how she's going to pay her way threw school. This world is going down the s***ter and fast.

Books yes, gas in the car is hard to feel sorry for her. Take the bus.

Sorry Flo, but when your sister hits rock bottom then I might feel a little sorrow for her. But gas in a car is hardly a necessity.

I put myself through school working 12hours Friday night, 16 hours Sat., and 8 on Sunday driving a cab atleast twice a month in school.

And my education never failed because I worked hard, was proud to pay for it myself, and had 0 student loans.

Working and paying for school is not something that is new.

You want it, you have to earn it.
Flofocus,Mar 8 2006, 08:49 PM Wrote:I'm so glad I dont deal with any of this school BS anymore.  In high school my teachers went on strilke and I got sent down to the VP's office all the time for expressing my thoughts on their gay ass union.  :rolleyes:

x2 ..

Right with you pal. I was in the exact same boat in the principals office.
Cant stand teachers or the unions. Theres a few good ones but the rest are greedy whores who couldnt give 2 shi ts about anything.
^^ x3.

I got busted once by saying if my Dad could hold his own in a job, why couldn't they?

I guess telling them to be reasonable and not expect raises each year like they're free samples at the grocery store is never popular eh? :lol:
edge 102.1 in toronto is sending a host and bunch of students to protest the strike.

hilarity ensues
Linkage to the audio feed at all? Sitting here swearing at freezing rain is no fun.
you can hit their live feed at
p.s. one of the female profs called one of the students there an 'uppity cow'.

more hilarity ensues
Meford, theyre are no buses where my parents live.

She cant live on her own, because, trust me, she's worked it out....its cheaper to live at my parents, use their car and pay her own gas. Gas is a necessity in this case.

And let me add, she's getting A+ average in school now. I can gurantee that will change if shes anywhere near working the same kind of hours I was doing in collge.
Well just the other day, a female striker got arrested in Windsor at the St.Clair College. It just so happened to be a law teacher. She and the others were trying to block the students and teachers that were trying to cross the picket line for night school.
NOS2Go4Me,Mar 9 2006, 09:42 AM Wrote:Linkage to the audio feed at all? Sitting here swearing at freezing rain is no fun.

I'll probably get in serious s*** by our IT department if i try to access the feed. :(
Man if i lived in toronto i so woulda showed up for that. But living in hamilton there's no way i was dragging my ass outta bed at 4:30 to show up for that.
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