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FociPhil,Feb 28 2006, 04:29 PM Wrote:Heres one for Jay!

[Image: sealclub.jpg]

Did you have to?! I'm sure there are many other types of 'pwned' or 'owned' images you could have used.

While I'm not worried about ppl being made aware of that sort of atrocity, surely we don't have to use those types of images for 'communication'...??


Why can I picture Anthony and 2001 ZTS surfing the net right now looking for a picture to respond to this. I hope im wrong.
some ppl are bitches and sissy good luck jay you dont need to spell well to have a gooder job then most just look at me and remember that time you get into an elevator. I think Fingers needs to get laid or move out of his mommies house.
Congrats on the job Jay!
Scorpion,Mar 1 2006, 12:03 AM Wrote:
FociPhil,Feb 28 2006, 04:29 PM Wrote:Heres one for Jay!

[Image: sealclub.jpg]

Did you have to?!


Yes, yes i did. Im sorry if i pushed a button.

t3h iNtr4w3B iz fUx0r3d!!
FociPhil,Mar 1 2006, 12:02 PM Wrote:
Scorpion,Mar 1 2006, 12:03 AM Wrote:
FociPhil,Feb 28 2006, 04:29 PM Wrote:Heres one for Jay!

[Image: sealclub.jpg]

Did you have to?!


Yes, yes i did. Im sorry if i pushed a button.

t3h iNtr4w3B iz fUx0r3d!!

Didn't really push my buttons...I've seen a lot worse. But I'm not sure the these forums are the best place for something like that, especially if there are new peeps in here...might turn them away.

Just my 2c worth. And yes, the intraweb, and internet, is completely f******, I agree.

Any who. I got my 2 interviews and I got the final call back. I got the job :D

Im pretty excited. Going to be making more then what Im making working 2 jobs. Im also pretty stoked having every second friday off.
congrats jay.

they looking for anyone in marketing/ human resourse.
congratulations on the new job Jay.
FocusGuy7476,Mar 18 2006, 05:38 PM Wrote:congrats jay.

they looking for anyone in marketing/ human resourse.

In fact when I was looking on there site they were showign some positions for Human Rssources and such. That was a bit ago.

Here is what they got now
Anyone who has been to a slaughter house knows the seal had the better exit. Not to mention the seal spent it's life in the wild as oppossed to a "factory".

Every grocery store in NF stocks seal meat fresh in season or canned out of season. It is a different world and not ours to judge.

A managed seal hunt is part of the solution not the problem.

The ultimate solution is to increase the number of natural predators in the wild to bring back a balance but until that happens the culling must continue or the seals become the top of the food chain and everything below gets demolished and/or vast numbers of seals die slow painful deaths through starvation.

The exact same thing happens to the deer population. Re-establishing top predators takes a long time.

Mother Nature is a pretty cruel bitch. Life sucks for every species including people in many parts of the world such as Africa right now and people actually starved to death in numbers, in Canada as late as the 1930's.

I'm very sympathetic to many animal causes but the seal hunt is one I feel is as necessary as the deer hunt. I am so sympathetic to animal causes that I dispise pet ownership, where do these "animal lovers" think pet food comes from? It comes from knocking off other animals.
ZTS you get better with age my friend

if I was good looking and female.... no just good looking I would be calling you

[Image: 3f03s.jpg]

[Image: 3f03w.jpg]
You should put in a good word for me Jay I need a new job fack startek and their crap.
Phantom,Mar 19 2006, 03:37 PM Wrote:You should put in a good word for me Jay I need a new job fack startek and their crap.

Jarrod just got on with Quill. Didnt you apply for Quill? Its so much better then startek
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