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Can someone ellaborate on the different stages of warranty (in km)?

When does the bumper to bumper warranty go to?

I think motor and transmission is 100,000km?

I'm wondering because my 2003 Focus has 69,248.2km as of last night. :)
jcarle,Feb 8 2006, 10:45 AM Wrote:Can someone ellaborate on the different stages of warranty (in km)?
This is the warranty for the 2006 model ... 2006 Focus Warranty. pretty sure it's the same as what came with the 2003.

If you're concerned about warranty you might still be eligible for a Ford ESP (extended service plan) which are a little expensive, but could also end up saving you a bundle down the road.

Thanks ZTWsquared. I'll chat up my local dealer and see if I can get extended warranty, and how much it would cost.