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Full Version: Have You Driven Your Ford Gt Into A Wall Lately?
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[Image: gtcrash1.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash2.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash3.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash4.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash5.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash6.jpg]
[Image: gtcrash7.jpg]
Dibs on the rims!
should buff right out....
Bonus points for Sprinter content.
frame might be a little off, but I'll still drive it home officer

I don't think speed was a factor on this one
Ha! Airbag didn't even deploy (or is there even one there?)
This is why mandatory IQ tests should be administered for sports car owners... if you're not smart enough to LOOK BOTH WAYS before proceeding through an intersection, then chances are you don't deserve the money, nevermind the car.
I want the shiftknob...
looks like he hit the garbage can, then the pole and spun it...

id give him a ticket for littering on top of being a douche bag...
I think this is the reason dodge is debating on offering free driving lessons for anyone who purchases a new Viper in the near future. The car is too much for the avid driver. so many Vipers have seen a premature death do to inexperienced drivers. I think Ford should offer the same deal when someone buys the GT
ThraxXx,Feb 6 2006, 05:24 PM Wrote:I think this is the reason dodge is debating on offering free driving lessons for anyone who purchases a new Viper in the near future.  The car is too much for the avid driver.  so many Vipers have seen a premature death do to inexperienced drivers.  I think Ford should offer the same deal when someone buys the GT

Free coffin with every purchase.
scoobasteve,Feb 6 2006, 03:14 PM Wrote:I want the shiftknob...
Not gonna touch that one....
Ouch... must be the first crashed GT eh. Anyone have an article on this or know exactly what happened?
thats why your parents shouldnt buy you a supercar.

[Image: DiveThatFast.gif]
jcarle,Feb 7 2006, 01:24 AM Wrote:[Image: DiveThatFast.gif]

YES, and where is my option to remember my settings?!
Yowtch, that's some twisted metal (and despite the plates on the car, sadly it isn't mine :P :lol:)

(sadly, the scrap value of that GT exceeds any Focus on here :P )
i want the rims
ZTS_DJ,Feb 7 2006, 12:39 AM Wrote:i want the rims
Sorry, I called dibs.