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I've had my stang up to about 225.... and prolly went about 240 in my dad's torino with him driving... as for the ST i haven't gone that fast... prolly like 190, just to prove that it wasn't governed to 175 like a friends 01 zx3
I race the quarter mile fast... but thats not a top end thing... its a time thing over distance which incorperates speed...... i haven't even had tha ST down the track yet either.... :lol:
I have gone 225 in my zx3 with frenchy's chip casing my dad's 70 mach1 but my neon I have gone 250 quite easy since I can do the 1/4 mile where most of your cars hit its limiter

Yes I am being a jerkass but what esle is new
Its still a neon bitch!...Get over yourself
180km/hr.. damn governer
160... i suck :P
Fastest I've gone was 215 km/h in my 97 Escort Sedan, I thought the engine was going to explode as I was on the last 2 bars of the red line lol......

Fastest car I was in ( as a passenger ) was a Police / FBI interceptor Crown Victoria doing 140 MPH down an open strech on a driver training course for police / FBI in Auston Tx. It was soo Awsome, my uncle was soo cool driving that car too, he really pushed it to it's limits.

and the Foci's

old one clocked out at 180 km/h ( auto )
and the current one clocked out at 185 km/h ( 5 speed )
Im affraid to imagine what could happen if you ever need to slow down or swerve while at 170-220. I totaled off 2 rims at 120km and thats just from sudden braking to 100.

180km focus vs a deer = death
Friday night going east on the 401 east of Kingston on our way to Ottawa we hit 160kh/h. I didn't even realize that I was going so fast I was just driving along and the GF put on a good song. Before I realized it I was like Hmmmmm I think we better slow down. She giggled and rubbed my knee. We made good time. The drive home was ASS. The rain was brutal. I even hydroplaned a couple times. We made it home safe and sound.
Focus man, Focus.,Feb 5 2006, 08:51 PM Wrote:Friday night going east on the 401 east of Kingston on our way to Ottawa we hit 160kh/h.  I didn't even realize that I was going so fast I was just driving along and the GF put on a good song.  Before I realized it I was like Hmmmmm I think we better slow down.  She giggled and rubbed my knee.  We made good time.  The drive home was ASS.  The rain was brutal.  I even hydroplaned a couple times.  We made it home safe and sound.

need more details please
LOL I bet you would. Did I mention the song that was playing was "NIN-Closer"
meford4u,Feb 1 2006, 05:52 PM Wrote:
Burnin21,Feb 1 2006, 05:04 PM Wrote:Well I've done 250km/h (maxed out) in my dads 02' Thunderbird.....yes they go that fast, and it is way to freakin fast. Next time I'll do that speed, i'll do it on a long straight track that looks like it might continue on for about 100 miles lol.  Going fast is fun, until something happens like those kids in the Mercedes. I wont be a hipcrite (sp?) cause yes I do speed and I do speed alot, but there is a time and a place for everything......

In the 90 SC I had, I also had a gf in Montreal at the time and I would often bury the needle at 260 easily in that car on the 401 at 1am in the morning.

I remember travelling there one weekend and the 2 jags and one mercedes that I was packed together with must have done almost 200km/hr on average from the 135 split (Peterborough) to the ottawa offramp. Needless to say I made it in record time.

My buddy used to drive that fast in his 93 SC.... till he drove through a gaurdrail
scoobasteve,Feb 6 2006, 03:13 PM Wrote:
meford4u,Feb 1 2006, 05:52 PM Wrote:
Burnin21,Feb 1 2006, 05:04 PM Wrote:Well I've done 250km/h (maxed out) in my dads 02' Thunderbird.....yes they go that fast, and it is way to freakin fast. Next time I'll do that speed, i'll do it on a long straight track that looks like it might continue on for about 100 miles lol.  Going fast is fun, until something happens like those kids in the Mercedes. I wont be a hipcrite (sp?) cause yes I do speed and I do speed alot, but there is a time and a place for everything......

In the 90 SC I had, I also had a gf in Montreal at the time and I would often bury the needle at 260 easily in that car on the 401 at 1am in the morning.

I remember travelling there one weekend and the 2 jags and one mercedes that I was packed together with must have done almost 200km/hr on average from the 135 split (Peterborough) to the ottawa offramp. Needless to say I made it in record time.

My buddy used to drive that fast in his 93 SC.... till he drove through a gaurdrail

Oh man I learned my lesson one Friday east of Kingston on the 401 when we hit black ice doing 240ish. Spun 3 times and ended up the wrong way. Never did I speed like that again.
Yeah, i've never seen cars spin out more often than supercoupes. either the owners are all bad drivers. or the car is impossible to control when its slick... wet. snowy etc..

i remmeber one night it was raining out. buddy tried to pass me in the rain... hit the gas too hard... ended up spinning backwards into oncoming traffic.
220km is my max that I have ever gone, farm country at 3am and a VERY long straight away.

I like smelling clutch as well.
The fastest was around 180km....But the best ride I got was with Flo, when he got back from installing the turbo!!!!!
200+, i didn't look down at the speedo after that.
My brand new 1990 Corrado -- 240 kph eastbound QEW and Bronte Rd 3:30 am -- no cars in front of me as far as you could see. That is except for the cruiser parked on the left shoulder just over the rise.

I was in the left lane - can't imagine how hard his car must have rocked as I went by just 2 feet away; I think I woke him up. By the time the lights came on I was already at Dorval and taking the exit. The Corrado is rock solid at speed - no drama whatsoever.

But for drama the most memorable high speed adventure was in my best friend's father's 1963 Mercury Monterey -- 352-4bbl -- Hwy 401 (when it was just 4 lanes by the airport) he had the speedo pegged at 130 mph -- but no telling how fast we were really going because everything was vibrating so much. That car was scary ... no brakes, no suspension, no safety features, skinny bias-ply tires ... oh yeah ... his dad was a mortician at Turner & Porter.
175 in Ottawa on the 416.
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