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Full Version: 12 Inch Screen
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im lookin for a 12 inch stand alone screen
anyone got any tips where to find one for a good price
all i can find r 12 inch roofmounts which r useless to me
well you need help installing it in your dash


[Image: DSC00033.jpg]
i knew you would jump on this one dean yea, black, if you want information, SVT Dean would be your best bet for information, just give him a msg, he's a good guy (despite what everyone else says), he'll help you out
off topic, but Dean whats that big round thing above the screen? A speaker?

yes a 4 1/2" coax for center chanel

the car was going to get certified for THX DTS and Doby

it still mite dont know yet
Yo Bleek!.... Why the F$#^ do you need a 12inch screen? I told you many times GO FASTER! You still need to beat the Pumpkin lol. My job is done!!!
i aint worried about the pumpkin
he cant even get it to start half the time
lol :D