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Full Version: Hell Must Have Frozen Right Over
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Damn. Now I have a definite reason to get the new TB and cam.
Quote:Coming VERY soon - the completion of the S2-spec Focus Sedan

I thought you were done modifying? Like I said before, it's never really finished....
SVT ZX3,Dec 8 2005, 01:54 PM Wrote:
Quote:Coming VERY soon - the completion of the S2-spec Focus Sedan

I thought you were done modifying? Like I said before, it's never really finished....

Hey, when new SPI parts are available, things change.

Ok adam, lets get these guys on the phone ASAP. :D
Well the S2 parts are going to be done by spring... I've got most of the glaring stuff installed and/or bought - wheels, instrument cluster, suspension.

I'm hoping that if other things go as planned the other parts become available... side skirts / front lip.

The seats would be nice, but they're nowhere near as important.

However, I never pass up a performance upgrade opportunity if the price point is right. The UDP will be ordered soon enough as the budget allows, I've been getting quotes on the shorter belt to accomodate this today.

The X-Cal is a matter of time, especially since we've decided that a new car is 1-2 years off. It's cheaper and more fun to play with this one anyways, lack of performance parts notwithstanding.

So why not crank it up some? :D
now the SPI can sound like rice too .. its about time
schade,Dec 8 2005, 05:35 PM Wrote:now the SPI can sound like rice too .. its about time

I'm going to need some Uncle Ben's vinyls.