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Full Version: New Look
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definatly liking the new look.

that is all.
There may still be a couple things here and there that need touching up, just add your issues to this post, and I'll do my best to rectify as quickly as possible!
only thing i can see so far is the 'post icons' seem to need a little work. just a little cleaning up really. other than that, looks good.

edit: any plans of a focus canada sticker identical to the one we got up there? i'm lovin the car and mapleleaf
please change the colour, it hurts my eyes

just have the white back with black letters.

thanks Mo
I liked the vintage look better. Too much red :blink:
I like the new look alot! A little harsh on the eyes, but it looks incredible!
Looks Good !
What?! Not even the option of using the original skin anymore?
Looks better then the site ever has IMO..... I love it......

Very nice work!
SVT ZX3,Dec 6 2005, 09:19 AM Wrote:What?! Not even the option of using the original skin anymore?

I'm making some changes to the original skin to bring it up to v2.0 status... v2.0 with a lighter background so you folks have a choice.
darkpuppet,Dec 6 2005, 12:24 PM Wrote:
SVT ZX3,Dec 6 2005, 09:19 AM Wrote:What?! Not even the option of using the original skin anymore?

I'm making some changes to the original skin to bring it up to v2.0 status... v2.0 with a lighter background so you folks have a choice.

Ahhh, well that I can handle. I appreciate being able to have the option.
It looks pimp, but instead of the squares of doom can we have Focus ratings?


or trim levels - LX, SE, ZX3/5, ST, SVT, RS, WRC?
Can i have SPV please....
NOS2Go4Me,Dec 6 2005, 01:56 PM Wrote:It looks pimp, but instead of the squares of doom can we have Focus ratings?


or trim levels - LX, SE, ZX3/5, ST, SVT, RS, WRC?

What no love for the ultra pimpin' SES trim level? :P

who wants to recognize the 05 focus? :P
the site looks great... i was wondering what was up with the black squares around some of the smilies when they refreshed....

i like the red

If we are changing the ratings I would like ST
haha, You have to earn ST... lol

whore it up... but not too badly, you dont want to end up a neo noob!
Hey Darkpuppet, I noticed the the old color scheme is still active when you do a VIEW NEW POSTS and get no matches.

Try it out, do a VIEW NEW POSTS then MARK THEM ALL AS READ then do a VIEW NEW POSTS right afterwards.

You'll see what I mean......
S2,Dec 8 2005, 09:58 AM Wrote:Hey Darkpuppet, I noticed the the old color scheme is still active when you do a VIEW NEW POSTS and get no matches.

Try it out, do a VIEW NEW POSTS then MARK THEM ALL AS READ then do a VIEW NEW POSTS right afterwards.

You'll see what I mean......

I get an error message about search terms. From what I can tell, it's based on the new skin.

I guess Puppet already got to it, or is that different than when you got Chad?
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