FocusCanada Forums

Full Version: Spell Check Feature
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I used to find it usefull at times and I know some members could use it
Perhaps you should continue to use it! :lol:

Spool chuck? Why would I do a stupid thing like that? Boost is your friend! :lol: :rofl:
All Your Base Belong To Us!
This customer service is as shitty as Fords.......
D-Dub,Nov 29 2005, 12: Wrote:This customer service is as shitty as Fords.......
Well we are a Ford Focus community afterall. :rolleyes: :lol:
D-Dub,Nov 29 2005, 12: Wrote:This customer service is as shitty as Fords.......

I believe you have just been OWN3D by :P
D-Dub,Nov 24 2005, 04: Wrote:... and I know some members could use it
Either you have a lot of friends here, or this qualifies as the understatement of the year.