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Full Version: If You Had To Vote Today?
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Im voting for whoever says they'll keep the smolies out of our borders. Easy as that. :lol: :P
ZTWsugardaddy,Nov 16 2005, 06:33 PM Wrote:[Image: 3stooges.JPG]

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

Vote for me! Why coitonly! :rofl:

Voting liberal when the election comes up. The conservatives in this province are slowly damned it up like usual. Hopefully the liberals run this province again. Their tied 27 seats each and next election the liberals will run this province again. If the conservatives ever run this country i dunno what i would do :( I truly can't see harper doing anything for this country at all but suck of george
Ahhh alberta, all you guys have is oil. If we need oil we'll just take it from hybernia. Do you guys really wanna be labeled as mini quebec?
Were all cool but if we do seperate were f**ked forever.
I voted for 'or'...seems pretty trustworthy!!
microbunny,Nov 17 2005, 12:28 AM Wrote:I voted for 'or'...seems pretty trustworthy!!

OR stands for Orange Revolution. You just voted for Victor Yushenko. Good choice.
Oscar The Grouch,Nov 17 2005, 09:25 AM Wrote:
microbunny,Nov 17 2005, 12:28 AM Wrote:I voted for 'or'...seems pretty trustworthy!!

OR stands for Orange Revolution. You just voted for Victor Yushenko. Good choice.

Seriously! Damnit! I just voted or as well..:P
Random Hero,Nov 17 2005, 01:55 PM Wrote:
Oscar The Grouch,Nov 17 2005, 09:25 AM Wrote:
microbunny,Nov 17 2005, 12:28 AM Wrote:I voted for 'or'...seems pretty trustworthy!!

OR stands for Orange Revolution. You just voted for Victor Yushenko. Good choice.

Seriously! Damnit! I just voted or as well..:P

I'll probably vote marxist leninist again... at least they wont win.


out of my riding of 20k+ ... only 44 people voted for them.
That's because communism sucks more than MJ at a preschool graduation party.

No nice house for you, no car, nothing unless you're a ranking member of the supporting military. No hot wife, either.
.... lol, i think you missed my point...

I voted marxist, because i didnt wnat to make my vote count. I dont like any of the douchebags running... and i think harper is by far the worst....
Oh, ok. Good job then, Steveo :D
scoobasteve,Nov 17 2005, 05:17 PM Wrote:.... lol, i think you missed my point...

I voted marxist, because i didnt wnat to make my vote count.  I dont like any of the douchebags running... and i think harper is by far the worst....

s**t, if you didn't want your vote to count, just vote for the marijuana party. At least they'll get something done and have a good goal to reach. :lol:
haha, it all depends who's in my riding, I didnt have the marijauna party in my riding. so i voted for the next most ridiculous party. the marxisit leninist party

i successfully got all my buds in the riding adjacent to mine. to vote for a guy named Otto Cassanova... just because his name was badass!

Actually, I changed my mind. I now vote communist because i want to be like Drago....



Look at the marxist leninist candidate for London...

[Image: CameronSwitzerMLPC-LondonFanshawe.jpg]
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