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Full Version: Carbon Fiber Hood.. yes or no?
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forget it. whatever. all hail the mighty Zetec.
I like the look of a carbon fiber hood (as long as it's a plain OE style hood), but a lot of people dont. The racers will say to buy it for weight savings and then paint it, the "all show" guys will tell you to buy one with a thousand huge vents in it.

I'd say talk to Mitch about it, ZX3tuning seems to having a deal with a really high quality manufacturer. And buy it because you like it, not because anybody else says it'll look good or not.
If you black out your heallights i think a nice CF with red weave would be sweet.

Id save up for some real go fast parts before adding a CF hood though. :P

EDIT: I agree with Guilty to on the stock look.....dont add any vents, I dont think they look really good.....well maybe on Sl8's car, but I dont think it looks good on a sedan.
If you guys want me to give NOS a kick in the ass for this idea, GIMME A F*** YEAH!!!

Seriously dude, IMO, save the money for the next project car. That's what I'm doing.
And when I say blacked out headlights, i dont mean you putting that nightshit all over them ;)
The carbon fiber hood is for one of two groups of people:

1. Hardcore performance: where you have already maximized the performance of the engine and are now looking to shave weight.

2. Poseur (aka rice): where you want everyone to think that you have already maximized the performance of the engine and you have excess $$$ to spend.

I hope that you are not in the second group.
ANTHONYD,Oct 13 2005, 12:23 PM Wrote:LOWER THE CAR FIRST Adam!!!!!!!!

Its not even lowered? :o

yeah Adam.....lower that before you have that 4X4 ricer look.
Just for kicks, I'm going to find some Honda logos and throw them on your car. See if anyone notices.
forget it. whatever. all hail the mighty zetec.
NOS2Go4Me,Oct 13 2005, 02:26 PM Wrote:Oscar - that's not even remotely funny.


Sorry. Geeze calm down will ya...

As for the rest of this whole thing, I'm not saying another word.
Oscar, he's on midol today. It was very funny. No hood for you mister.
adam, read your freakin title man.

"Need Opinions And Comments, suggestions"

WTF do you think we just did. <_<

Holy s**t. :rolleyes:

Your winters cant be THAT bad. Others have lowered cars...and drive them no problems. When my CRX was lowered, slammed, a lot more than my focus is, may I add, I had no problems getting around in the snow here....and Ottawa does get quite a bit.. AKA, my suggestion, Opinion and comment is Dont do it until you have more done to the car performance wise, wether it be suspension or under tha hood.....

You need some sort of drugs in your life dood. :P :lol:

Let's see, Nate. I was expecting:

No, it won't look good.

Yes, it'll work with what's already there.



Have you maxed out your engine? If not, you're a poseur.

etc etc

So by adding a carbon fiber hood before lowering the car, I'm a ricer. There's plenty of guys here who have done body before engine.

Also, as I mentioned but then erased... I don't have access to a myriad number of performance shops for installs. I have the Ford dealer. That's it. I don't have a garage, a hoist, or anything else you rich bastards with too much money obviously have.

And, what's more, our winters ARE quite bad unlike the pussy-ass winters Toronto and the GTA get.

As for the drugs... ,|,, ,,|,
I drove my car 15 hours up hwy 11, north and west of northbay through 15 hours of blizzard, on perma-frost rippled highway, through the snowbelt (still snowing), for 2 weeks in Thunder Bay, and then back the same route to Toronto in -46C on my lowered car.

It was a back breaker due to the dampening, and the only problem I had was the exhaust freezing solid the morning I was supposed to leave (see -46C weather). Guess I should have plugged the car in ...phhhhttt.
Carbon fiber hoods are touchy subjects a lot of places.. there will always be people who will call you a ricer/poseur/whatever for putting one on your car, especially if your car isnt a big performance machine. But remember that it's your car and your taste and you can do whatever you want to it.

The thing about lowering it though, is that doing body mods to a Focus at stock ride height (4x4-mode) just looks out of place. Same thing if you were to put a body kit on it, something just seems "off". I lowered my car 1.5" with the FK 35-40mm springs and didnt have any trouble in last year's snow (and SK gets a lot of snow).. But yeah, bottom line is that it's your car and you can do whatever you want, but asking for opinions can be a dangerous thing with things like this.
people are just trying to be funny again, do what you want to do, but you may want to save that money for something else... Not sure how resilient carbon fiber is in the arctic winter either..
guilty,Oct 13 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:But yeah, bottom line is that it's your car and you can do whatever you want, but asking for opinions can be a dangerous thing with things like this.

Well said. B)
You asked for an opinion and I gave you "my" opinion. I am sure someone like ZOOM would have a different opinion.

You can do what ever you want to.
NOS2Go4Me,Oct 13 2005, 11:17 AM Wrote:forget it. whatever. all hail the mighty Zetec.

Hey, its your car, whether we like it or not is irrelevant right?

Besides isn't a car ultimately bought by its owner to be enjoyed by its owner?

It's like my car, people have said lower it, but with my knee, lowering it is the last thing I want to do. So I get laughed at for the cars 4x4 appearance, so what? I gotta use it ;)

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