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Full Version: For No Reason Other Than To Piss Off Meford4u
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Hey, are you guys done pissing me off. Raine was the only one to get my blood stirred BTW.

Cause the old man is tired.

5 more minutes than I am toast, so post up your BS quickly.
^^-- I'd let her eat crackers in bed.
darkpuppet,Oct 8 2005, 10:52 PM Wrote:^^-- I'd let her eat crackers in bed.

She has an unmarried twin!

But you might have to fight Andrew off after the 17th.

Dinner on the 18th Andrew with my sister in law?

What time?
Twin sister is a bit out of my age range I think...

now Bluetoy has a sister-in-law... hubba hubba :wub: ...
you guys all bitch too much
meford4u,Oct 8 2005, 10:46 PM Wrote:BTW fuktards, this is my wife.

I remember meeting your wife Meford4u, I have to admit she was really nice.

Back on topic though.


but I have to admit Japanese designs are getting more realistic in the last 5 years or so, better then the taller ideas they were going on 10 years ago.
Apparently she books up fast. Don't delay!

I think I'm figuring out how to get the old man going, but so as he doesn't try to kill me with his f150

More = Andrew doesn't have a wife. You do. Therefore you have more.
2001 ZTS,Oct 8 2005, 08:12 PM Wrote:


Cant wait for the 1st snowfall :D
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