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Dose any one know the running scrap yard price for a 5spd tranny and a new clutch.

or any where that i could find one.

and any one who as bought one and could tell me how much they payed.

your input would be greatly appreciated.

Obviously for a swap but do you just need a new clutch? New flywheel as well? If that's all you needed, I wouldn't bother doing a swap - IMO just go aftermarket and get a new flywheel/clutch. That's what I'm in the market for right now, income pending of course hehe Check that out, there are tons of stuff there much cheaper than normal.

Hope this helps
something is wrong with my tranny along with the clutch just going
what is wrong with your clutch? I'm starting to have more and more problems with mine. If you try and be a little more descriptive, I can help out as best as I can from what I read all the time and what is going on with mine.
anywhere between $350-$500 for a public sale if you know a shop that orders from junkyards u'll get it for almost half price. Just get the shop to insall it and they shouldn't take a cut from the tranny price. Check Kijiji I saw one for $200 not top long ago some guys r just parting with entire vehicles
I got one in my garage. And a CentreForce clutch. I wrote off my car last year and I dont know why, but I still have all my focus parts in the garage. I'm pretty sure that was my add on Kijiji. :)