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Full Version: Need Help Applying Tint
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Not to my windows, those were done 2 yrs ago by a shop, but to my tail lights. How do you apply tint? I know the surface has to be UBER clean and free of any contaminants so I'll be using rubbing alcohol to get them clean first... but what's next? How does a plastic film with no sticky surface stick to a light and not peel off at 140 km/h? I've seen it done so I know it works. Is there a special glue that you need to use? Or is that already built into the tint? Need your advice please! :D Thanks
ok, well raine, with tint, don't quote me on this, but i think it's the soapy water that allows it to stick, what you do is spray the surface, then apply the film. After that, you must try and push all the liquids out using something solid, a credit card usually does that trick, after that you should be good, or cut the shape you need, then redo all over again.. I'm not a pro, and haven't done this, but i did watch the guy do my windows, and thats how he did it
Yeah I remember the soapy water bit now that you mention it. Will a credit card work or will that be too stiff?? The guy who did mine used what I can only describe as being like a putty knife, but it looked like soft rubber? So I guess the tint has some kinda built in adhesive then...
If you have tint for windows then it has a clear backing on it. You must peel off the backing to expose the sticky side. Soak the sticky side with the soapy solution to prevent everything from sticking to itself. Also make sure the thing your sticking the tint to is also sprayed. Don't use too much soap in the water either. it just needs to be a little soapy. A credit card may be too harsh to put the tint on with. It will scratch it. Try using a semi hard glazing putty applicator (the black squre rubber ones). Good luck.
Awesome Steve, that's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks a lot. I'll maybe get this done today or tomorrow :D
make sure you post up pics when ur done, i wanna check this out
your problem is the fact the lights are not flat like the windows, so you have to use something soft or ruberry to apply it. Like Steve said use putty applicator,

BTW this post has nothing to do with your other WTB tail lights, does it :) or did u alreay screw the lights?
LOL no, the WTB was for another project. My stock tail lights are mint as they've had light covers on them for almost 2.5 yrs. I just wanna make them more streamlined with the car instead of having that big bulky plastic on them
Usually in the tinting section of CanTire or Walmart they'll sell accessories like the mini squeegees to pull the water out of it.

The soapy water is just to lubricate the surface so you can move the tint around to have it in the right place. When you pull the water out from under it, then the adhesive will bond to the surface. Just make sure your squeegee isnt too hard (like a plastic credit card) or it might leave crease marks on the tint.
I worked at aplace that did tinting several years ago. The guy there had templates for everything he worked on. Also I heard J&J baby shampoo was the way to go for the wetting agent.
^^ J & J shampoo??? well i guess you can wash yer hair after yer done your tinting job....and just more tears either