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Full Version: Need A New Paintball Marker
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When my basement flooded in last month's big storm, my marker was in it's case, sitting minding it's own business in the furnace room. It got FILLED with water... the case is filled with soft foam to protect the marker, and it just sucked up water like you wouldn't believe. Now a lot of the parts I was able to save: Drop forward, ASA, 20 oz CO2 tank, gauge, 2 spyder threaded barrels... but the marker itself (a tricked out Spyder Xtra), the grip (Centerflag Hyperframe - One of the most expensive on the market), and the hopper (Mach 404... nothing amazing but never jammed on me) are all toast... the marker, although anodized, has rusted wherever there were screws... the grip is fried (or so it seems), and the hopper won't turn on anymore.

I claimed it with my insurance and they gave me the value of everything in the case that was damaged (Marker - $150, Frame - $350, hopper - $50, Misc items that were exposed to sewage water and now have to be disposed like squeegees, gloves, jersey, etc - $100). So now I have to replace it with another marker/accessories of equal value. I have an extra jersey/gloves/mask, so I wanna put it against a good marker. Anyone have any reccomendations? It's gotta have an electronic frame, shoot a *minimum* of 13 bps, and be able to take a beating for winter/woodball. It must also be brand new/used from a shop that will give me a receipt for it. Ideally, I'd like to get a marker, hopper, and a nitro tank. Let me know what you think :)
Screw all that s**t./..
just do like i said to you...get a big ass elastic & effective!
For 650 you could get a sweet deal on used stuff, but a brand new bundle with what you want wont really get you the best marker. Well, at least it wouldn't a few years ago when I was an avid player. I still own my upped 98c, and i will own you :P

Personally, I would put that money towards a good used package, you could find an excellent marker with the accessories listed for 650. Impulses, shockers, ions, some angels, and if you find someone who is desperate a timmy, dm4's and a lot more. I assume you know that link, but they got a very busy classified section, it would be your best bet for a used marker.
Unless it's used from a dealer and I can get a receipt, it's no good. Have to submit the receipt for insurance.

What do you guys think of the Ion? I can get one of those new for $300 and still have cash left for a halo, 68/3000 cf tank, etc.. shoots a nice 17 bps... that's all I need as I dont' really play too much speed ball.
2 words...

I was thinking the A5 but I'd need to get quite a few ups on it to make it worth while... I don't like triggering fast unless I'm in speed ball, and considering A5's are electro, the only benefit to owning one would be the ability to go into rookie tourneys where electros aren't allowed and own noob ass...
A5 are purly semi automatic unless your put a reactive trigger on it.

they are the TANK of paintball guns.
Screw all that, get a 120mm paintball CANNON. Mount it somewhere, draw the opposing side in... and blow them all to kingdom come.

10 newbs slaughtered with one shot - INSTAWIN.


I want to make a 60mm paintball mortar launcher.

Yes, I have Joint Ops on the brain.
I made a paintball trip mine last summer... essentially all it was was a little wooden box with a spring loaded trigger... trip the wire, the spring released the latch, and the paint would come flying out of the box. Soak a crowd of people.

I think my mind is made up on the Ion. Looks sexy, shoots fast & straight, it's light, rugged, and I can get it for about $350.