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I havent posted pics of my ride for quite a while, so here are a few:

[Image: f1-800.jpg]

[Image: f2-800.jpg]

[Image: f3-800.jpg]

[Image: f4-800.jpg]

[Image: f5-800.jpg]
looking sharp as always!
Fack man your car looks amazing. Love it. but FFS man, buy some 16's least!! Hyprlyte is selling such a nice set, would look great on you car. Shipping might be a bitch, but would look hella cool. Pretty sexy as is right now tho
Raine,Sep 14 2005, 07:14 PM Wrote:Fack man your car looks amazing. Love it. but FFS man, buy some 16's least!!

Thanks for the compliment but no rims in my immediate future. I'm satisfied with my painted 15s, and with being a new homeowner I dont have any extra disposable income :lol:
Guilty, nice looking car, but when cash is available for the car, pick up some rims!