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Full Version: Whats In Your Cd Player?
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Bored.... This should be an interesting topic.


Rock: Iron Maiden

Rap Hiphop Etc: T.I.

Dance house trance etc...: Richard Humpty Vission

- Billy Talent
- Linkin Park
- Foo Fighters
- 50 Cent
- The Offspring
- The Killers
Right now is the Best of Deicide album.. just some good old fashioned death metal.
Dream Theater
Tragically Hip

i think that is all...
The Barenaked Ladies.
rerelease of 50 cent's DVD the massacre B)
Beastie Boys-License to Ill
The offspring
a cd i made of all the promo only cd's from january till august, consisting of dance, hip hop, and mainstream club

plus maralyn manson - beautiful people .. that song always seems to end up on every cd i make
Kenny G
The Killers
Coldplay - X&Y
Pink Floyd - Darkside of the Moon
Moist (apparently, I didn't put it there)
Silverstein (friend left it in the indash)
William Shatner - Has Been
Gorillaz - demon dayz
cd spot one - mixed CD made aug 10.
cd spot two - mixed CD made mar 30.
cd spot three - Green day's American Idiot CD
cd spot four - Euro Mix 11
7 CD's in a 6 CD device... :blink:

cant remember its been too long since it worked... :lol:
Lotsa Luda, lotsa 50, lotsa Dead Celebs.

I'm going to need new trunk hinges / latches soon with all that bass. :D
SL8RZZX3,Sep 12 2005, 04:08 PM Wrote:rerelease of 50 cent's DVD the massacre  B)

I heard that 50 made a music video for EVERY track on his album, and put them all on to that DVD, HOLY CRAP
schade,Sep 12 2005, 05:24 PM Wrote:a cd i made of all the promo only cd's from january till august, consisting of dance, hip hop, and mainstream club

plus maralyn manson - beautiful people .. that song always seems to end up on every cd i make

Where did you find them all??

I have an MP3 CD in my car right now full of everything: alternative, rap, hip hop, electronica, comedy.

At home, I don't play CDs, I run my computer through my stereo and listen to miscellaneous MP3s. :)
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