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how do i put back my image there.. i tried [img] but it doesn'T work.. it had <img> but what is the complete code...
BerinG,Aug 30 2005, 03:09 PM Wrote:how do i put back my image there.. i tried [img] but it doesn'T work.. it had <img> but what is the complete code...

for one reason or another tags don't seem to be working down there, and haven't been working for some time... notice my awesome sig.... bleh.

if you change your sig, you lose everything right now..

I'll look into it when I have some time.

*adds it to his todo list*
well i hadn't chagned it in a little while..

did you turn off BB code in the sigs maybe? or HTML?
BerinG,Aug 30 2005, 03:24 PM Wrote:well i hadn't chagned it in a little while..

did you turn off BB code in the sigs maybe? or HTML?

I didn't touch a thing... one sec...

ok.. re-enabled BBCode for sigs.. give it a whirl.
what would you do without me :P
BerinG,Aug 30 2005, 03:42 PM Wrote:what would you do without me  :P

I wouldn't give a damn about sig pics?

I'll be honest, I really really don't like sig pics... but I like sigs... I'm conflicted.
What about links to sig pics within sigs? :huh:


It's SO much nicer now having sigs that have... flavour. You rock, Steve. B)
NOS2Go4Me,Aug 30 2005, 04:18 PM Wrote:You rock, Steve. B)

:blink: :blink: :blink:
sweet its fixed i'm putting mine back now, i wanted to change it a while ago and spent like an hour messing with it (it was long) and couldn't figure out what i had doe wrong lol