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Full Version: Team Pita Has Been Disbanded
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meford4u,Jun 5 2009, 06:02 AM Wrote:Man we have good taste.


your a dink. :P

All of us would have hit it.
DP, 1 vote here to ban meford for being a fawkin cry baby.
I meant WTF!

Flofocus,Jun 5 2009, 08:26 AM Wrote:DP, 1 vote here to ban meford for being a fawkin cry baby.
Did I directly call you a crybaby?


Did you call me a crybaby outside Handicapp Parking?


I rest my case puppet.

This was too easy.

If we can't do it..............................
Flofocus,Jun 5 2009, 08:17 AM Wrote:All of us would have hit it.

That made me laugh. It's funny because its true. I guess FocusCanada wasn't the first entity to ban the nerd?

I should drive up to North Bay and take her out for dinner. I am sure Oscar probably has her contact info..........

I've done crazier things you know.
This reminds me of this part from Anchorman movie:

“I will take your mother out to a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her again!”

:lol: :lol:
Funny you brought up the movie quote. One of my male friends once said: "Andrew, you're more f'ing entertaining than television"

That may or may not be true but Nik KNOWS just how nuts I am and that I could probably get away with taking her out for dinner.

I am not suffering from insanity, I am enjoying it! :wacko:
2001 ZTS,Jun 5 2009, 05:18 PM Wrote:I am not suffering from insanity, I am enjoying it!  :wacko:

That quote explains a lot folks (and unlike some people, I didn't need to edit the quote to make it this funny :lol:)

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