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Full Version: Spiced Up Winter Wheels
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Well i got bored and i hate the look of the factory wheels so i gave them a bit of a change.

[Image: cougar01-before.JPG]
[Image: cougar01-after.JPG]
[Image: cougar01-both.JPG]

Im very happy with the new look, didn't think it would turn out as good as it did.
that looks good! good job
Good job man, what did you use???
i just happened to be cleaning the garage out and i found some gunmetal wheel spray paint so i tried it out then ended up going to buy some more. they are just winter wheels so i don't care if it peels off. i was just bored
05zx5,Aug 14 2005, 10:25 PM Wrote:i just happened to be cleaning the garage out and i found some gunmetal wheel spray paint so i tried it out then ended up going to buy some more. they are just winter wheels so i don't care if it peels off. i was just bored

sweet....hmmm, i think i have a project coming....what would that look like on a silver focus...dam i wish i had photoshop
05ZX5, very nicely done. Should make a nice change.

Slimsride: Scroll a little further down when you're replying to a message... instead of hitting "reply, hit add reply. You don't need to quote the post right above your own every time

looks good. I've been wanting to do the same thing but I'm just lazy.
Slim, if you want you can bring your car by sometime and put the wheels on or upto your car to see if you like the dark wheels on silver. they are just sitting inthe garage until the snow flys
I think those wheel look better in gunmetal than factory silver, I haven't seen a color they didn't look great on.