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Some of you wanted to see some pictures from my vacation from Newfoundland. I got a few here to show you of the land, and a couple recent pictures of me for those who do not know what I look like. Hope you like them! Every other picture I have someone is in it, so there was no point in posting them. Enjoy!

Recent Pictures of Me
[Image: NFLD01.JPG]
[Image: NFLD02.JPG]

NFLD Pictures
[Image: NFLD03.JPG]
[Image: NFLD04.JPG]
[Image: NFLD05.JPG]
[Image: NFLD06.JPG]
[Image: NFLD07.JPG]
[Image: NFLD08.JPG]
[Image: NFLD09.JPG]

<3 Ashly
*sniffles* And that was where we were going to go this year, but had to change plans because of finances. Next year we're heading up that way for sure.

Canada is so beautiful.. the land, the ladies, the... goat.

Excellent pictures!
Nice pics of NFLD, i like to go there one day. I have driven to the west cost and now i want to do the east, well hopefuly one of these years.
One day we'll take a trip there. But as for now, I'm heading to New Brunswick in a few weeks... Dare I say WOHOOO... :D
Is that signal hill in that one photo? i think thats the name of it...

NFLD is awsome in the summer, great place to be! Nice photos Ash!
cute goat, did ya bring yer velcro gloves????

whoops that was wrong of me....bwahhahahhahhahahhaha
Who is the funny lookin chick in the first 2 photos!?!?
Newfie land is beautiful.

Everyone should go if they have the chance.
are you single?

your hot!!!

the light house pic is sweet
ZX3TUNR,Aug 7 2005, 09:00 PM Wrote:are you single?

your hot!!!

the light house pic is sweet

damn it J

play dumb... :angry:
im just commenting.
ZX3TUNR,Aug 7 2005, 09:07 PM Wrote:im just commeting.

I know I know... <_<

I'm sorry..
Nice pics. Thanks, I needed some fresh material for future photochopping. :)

BTW, only side profile glamour poses? don't you ever look straight into the camera?

Edit: When looking at your pic, I just can't see you as the winner of "The Wickest Wrist Shot" award.
[Image: NFLD06.JPG]

This pic reminds me so much of Ireland... only been back 2 weeks and I miss it already. Nice.

Here's a pic of the main bridge of the town in which I used to live... my old house is right along the road of which that bridge is a part, and the river that runs under it is fed by a tributary that ran thru my backyard...

[Image: bridge.jpg]
Thanks everyone for the comments. I wish I had more photos of the land, but the camera was just loaded with other pictures.

microbunny... hmmm, I don't know who that funny looking girl is... ;)

ZX3TUNR... lol, thanks. And nope!

Raine... that is a beautiful picture. I want to go to Ireland one day, do you have anymore? Those are amazing.

ZTWsugardaddy... no, I don't always look into the camera on an angle. Just so happens, those were the best recent pictures of me, and pretty much every other photo I look straight in are with someone else. Yeah, I'm really into hockey. I love hockey. Don't play as much as I USED too, but that's me, with the Wickest Wrist Shot award. Look below, I have straight pictures for ya!

My nephew and I
[Image: ashly01.JPG]

My friend and I in NFLD
[Image: ashly02.JPG]

Just me **took my fish picture off cause of Phil**
[Image: ashly04.JPG]

There ya go!
Aha! Now I remember that pose. It's from that famous Farah Fawcett Poster.

[Image: fawcett_focus.JPG]
^^^ hahah the lord of the photoshop!!

a wicked wrist hey? *guttermind*

hey that last photo you look pretty thick haha, nice fish anyways!
was it whale season out there when you were in NFLD?
I know. I look huge, but I'm really not... not skinny but not fat... its because I'm wearing a jacket AND a sweater under the lumber jacket that I have on top. I just wanted to show you the fish!

LMAO, ZTWsugardaddy... very nice!

EDIT: Okay, Phil... I took it off!
This is what happens when you post pics on the internet. :)

[Image: focus_titanic.JPG]

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