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Full Version: Am So Lucky!(great Deal)
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Well hello and hi all this is my first post on this board... i hope i did this in the right spot, it seems i did, but if not please excuse my stupidity i am trying.

Any ways, so a few days ago am online looking as the sight, they have a salvage page and u can see some of the cars that are up for big and junk. so am looking at the yorkton section. low and behold!, i found a 2001 ford focus se, fully loaded top to bottom, it had a few ruff scratchs here and there, the passenger side mirror was a little cracked but the main damage was the crunch on the back left panel, it was a small crunch but eh, not bad it didn't go into the wheel well(thank god) and the back light is still in good condition.

So i went and I showed me dad and mom this car and it was going for about 2300$ so they said sounds good, so on tues day we are going down to sgi to pick it up! lucky me eh! i plan to fix the back panel and junk but i was wondering if there is any where in canada i can order "HELLA headlights" since i plan to repaint my car because of all the scratchs and junk . i plan to kinda deck this car out.. nothing overly special just new head and tail lights, maybe take the dinky spoiler off and fix something nice on. it has decent enough wheels tho i might paint some detail on em. but that about it. the rest will be body work from all the dents and scratchs. i don't think this car had a very good pre owner. it has 150,000 km on it but neh. am willing to do the work. so . yea.

i plan to post pics when i get it and progress pics as well i hope all goes well and i hope i can get some good tips on this board (also excuse my bad grammar, i am 17 and i seem to have the skill of a 10 year old, no more like a 5 year old, so try to bare with me)

:hi: ... I hope you like your Focus! Where abouts in Canada do you live?
oo i guess i kinda left my post as a statement not really a discussion eh? o i live in saskatchewan! (thus SGI)

Any who the focus isn't the top s**t or anything but i think it will do for my first car, since my other "first car" can't really be called that. (I have a 1979 ford ranchero gt, let's say i tried to overhaul it and i nearly killed my self, nuff said)

any who, anything I should check for first off ? when i get it ?

also anyone know how to get a replacment panel for the back corner panel? in canada? i really don't want to import from us.... i really don't
welcome to the site.

what part of sask are you from. there are a few of us around sask that will help you out if needed.
I live in southern sask, about a 2-3 hour drive from saskatoon, depending if the... ham is on the grill. if u catch wat am pitching.... yea i know bad joke.

Any ways yea. aa i live in melville so I doubt any one would care to see my all mighty ride haha but i'll be sure to take some pics!.

But i have to ask agian , does any one know where i could order som replacment pannels ? i really need to figure this out. i've been on some sites and they all seem to be from united states. And i really really do hate border fee's! with a passion... and they time to order in willl take some time. and I'd like to get my focus repaired and saftey ispected so i can drive it some time soon!.

Also thanks for the warm welcome, i think i be staying here for a long time.
from what you said in your first post it sounds like the back end has quite a bit of damage .. might want to make sure the frame isn't damaged or any suspension components in the rear.

Your best bet for the body panels is to go to ford or just ask around at your local jobbers to see what prices they can get you.

:hi: Hope the car isn't too badly damaged frame wise. The price sure is right.
Well from what i "saw" the frame was ok and it didn't seem like to big of a smash, tho i certainly could not hammer out the bump, it's rather a... yea.

the back end is pretty decent the back bumper is a little loose but i can probably fix that and the one tail light has a crack hole in it, but i plan to buy all new tail lights and maybe.. just maybe head lights depending on how much work i can get this summer. and once i seel my ranchero and pay of my mom and dad. i'll be able to go really save some money, i still gotta put the front end on my ranchero, which sucks! but eh, and the the whole interior as well *shudders* but i plan that to be mostly winter in door work(my dad has an old shop he use to run but now it's just are private garage kinda, tho we rent the back out to the taxi company)

yea but i think things should go pretty smooth.

once again thanks for the welcomes!, i hope i didn't just get suckered into a piece of junk.!
check another wreckers for the panel...why dont you snap a shot of it and post it up here...then we can better diagnose it for you.

Welcome BTW.
all right then, this comeing tuesday when i get my car back, i'll take a full spec picture frenzy.

Tho I must say, u really have to see it with ur own eye's to understang it's potential. am really excited, i was planning on buy a focus a long time ago, but i realized it would take me many years to get that kinda of money, and i really don't want to take a bank loan, so haveing my parents as loan is great. no intrest and i can wait as long as i want to pay.

but i'll pay em back soon, just need to sell that other "first car" pfft!
Tri_kento,Jul 29 2005, 04:23 PM Wrote:oo i guess i kinda left my post as a statement not really a discussion eh? o i live in saskatchewan! (thus SGI)

Any who the focus isn't the top s**t or anything but i think it will do for my first car, since my other "first car" can't really be called that. (I have a 1979 ford ranchero gt, let's say i tried to overhaul it and i nearly killed my self, nuff said)

any who, anything I should check for first off ? when i get it ?

also anyone know how to get a replacment panel for the back corner panel? in canada? i really don't want to import from us.... i really don't

No idea what SGI was until you just said it now...
Cool. You live quite a bit away!
Oh am sorry, I didn't mean to seem like smug bastard. sorry!
but yea! i don't think i can hold my energy, it's going to be crazy when i get my focus !!

mmm I should proubly clean the whole thing up before i start fixing anything, since... er the last owner was a smoker and well it's a little dirty... yea just a little tho!

Am going to go down to the local ford dealer ship in melville, and see if they can order me in a replacment fender. tho should i go with fyber glass or metal ?

how much does a replacment cost, about 300$ ? just by ur guys experience ? how much does this stuff go by ?
If you're getting an OEM replacement piece, you wont have to choose between fiberglass and steel, since they only make one part. As far as a rear quarter is concerned, I'm not too sure what's involved in replacing the panel in a unibody.. would imagine it involves cutting and welding though. If you're good with bodywork though it should be okay.

And welcome to the board, nice to see some more SK members online.
Great to have you aboard.
I 'm formally from Yorkton now Saskatoon. B)
you'll have to come to some of the G2G. They usually happen in Regina or Saskatoon. One coming up on Aug 7 here in Saskatoon.
Welcome from across the prarie (Wpg, MB). Try a local wrecker for the fender before Ford. I don't know about rear fenders either, but it must be harder than the front to replace.
Well i think am going to go to some of the regina scrap places. and see if i can find a decent donner for my focus maybe regina will have a few scrappers floppen around ? or who knows.

My old man is buying a brand new mig welder soon, so i can more then likely just make my own replecation by takeing measurements and looking off the other side of the car.

also today i went to the lot to have a look at my beast again, and it just so happens it need a new back bumper to! so yea. that will be load of fun. but neh maybe i should replace it with a cool kit bumper ? well what ever i'll fix to the best of my powers. also thanks for the warm welcome guys! i might just drive up to saskatoon or regina some time with my mate and see how u guys did your's up ?

but not this year. i plan to drive my own focus up. (it might not have a shiny pant job or hella lights. but . it will be safe ! all together and lookin whole!

Howdy fellow traveller...
whoa you are hardcore.. i usually stay away from used cars that need body work but it sounds like you really like that stuff!! good luck and welcome to the board
Body work i don't will be to hard, and if am lucky i think i might be about to straight out the crunch on the side of the car, then slap some body filler on. so smooth it out.

but i still will need a new back bummper and tail light. since the one light is broken completly!. so yea.

I think once i get some pictures on here you guys will see things ain't that bad. Any one know where i can get the factory paint color for my focus so i can get a perfect match? since i really don't want to strip the whole car for a paint job. door jams and such. am not loaded with money ethier! (thus am buying a salvage car)

so yea this place seems nice and i think i'll enjoy it here. thanks for all the help guys!
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