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Full Version: Order Power Window W/ Wireless Remote!
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ZX3guy2000,Jul 29 2005, 07:19 PM Wrote:MMM... remote windows! 

functionability would be as followsL

Its a nice sunny day outside and you leave your windows down, and out of no where it starts to rain.  You say to yourself, "Self, your windows are down and it is raining outside."  Well what do you do, run outside to roll up your windows...???? 


You push a button from the comfort of your recliner, and watch your windows go up!

The End
Yes, I thought about that, but I never leave windows opened when it is parked and unseen. If it's within view, I would just walk over and close them. It is one reason, but not a good enough reason to install this feature in my opinion.

focusonthis_88,Jul 30 2005, 12:19 AM not trying to impress no one!!  I don't really see the point of  you guys telling me other wise because it's not your money.  Im doing it for myself.

No need to get defensive. I always wonder why people post in "Appearance Mods" and get defensive when not everyone tells them how wonderful it is. By posting, you should expect feedback which is both positive and negative. Constructive criticism should be welcomed.
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