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Full Version: Frost's 2002 Facelift Bumper Project
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Pages: 1 2
Frost__2001,Jul 7 2005, 02:33 PM Wrote:[Image: 100_0200.jpg]

Proof I have a sister, This was taken in New Orleans Louisiana in Oct 2004.

YES...token black kid!!
Now once you paint it you might think of washing the damn car and let's not forget that dirty engine bay!
LOL thanks Malby........

I do wash my car, just when it's forecasted to rain durring a 3 day time frame. Call me crazy but I don't like to wash my car more then twice in one week, unless there's a g2g. AS for the engine bay............ I'll get around to it sometime this summer when I have the time, I do clean it twice a year.
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