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I was on my way to work today when i was driving down the road, this transport truck was driving the other way, something fell off of it and hit my windshield and BAM! Glass everywhere. I was like, what the hell just happened? theres some big cracks in it now going halfway up and halfway accross the windshield, looks almost like a bullet hole although it didn't go right through, it just made a indentation, lucky though cause if it went through, it woulda hit me right in the stomach.
So i gather my senses and turned around and chased after the bastard. Passed 5-6 cars, and then followed him onto the highway where i recorded his plate #, then proceded to work.

and now im left woth a broken windshield, anybody know how much they cost? I dopnt want to go through insurance because they are crimanals who steal your money, anybody got any opinions on what i should do?
Glad you're okay man. Did you get to talk to the trucker and explain what happened?

edit: BTW did you go to the cops and report it?
naw, i didn't but i got the #, he was headed for the U.S. boarder

edit:not yet just got home from work
Unfortunately the trucking company will tell you to stick it.

As for the cost of the windshield....

I would guess they are in the 500 dollar range. Less if you go through the insurance, however, your primos will go up.
First off, congrats on your next mod.

Secondly, go to Standard Auto Glass and get them to do it without insurance and cash. Go directly into the store. Better deal than calling. My truck cost me $325 3 years ago and the Focus is a pretty standard windshield so it should be under $500.

Bring cash.
This has happend to me twice and boy am I glad I have a package policy. Cost me $50 to replace mine. Its a pain in the ass when this happens, but I know how you feel.
meford4u,Jul 5 2005, 08:51 PM Wrote:First off, congrats on your next mod.

Bring cash.

hahahahaahha the post of the day :lol:
glad to hear your alright, but shitty deal about the window, hope it doesn't set you back too much
Being a trucker I can tell you what the "rules" are. If the object was picked up by a tire from the road then you can do nothing. If it was something that fell off the truck you have some recourse but since you did not stop the truck you are screwed. Anyone can write down a licence plate and say it came from that truck.

#1 always stay away from trucks. Don't drive close behind them, don't cut in front of them and slam the brakes on, don't drive beside them in multi-lane roads and when meeting them stay as far to the right as possible. Truck tires have large spaces in between the lugs, makes them great for picking up rocks etc..

#2 Get cash, go to speedy, standard or some other brand name glass company. I believe standard will come to you no matter where you are.

#3 My last windshield for my F-350 cost me $195 bux from standard.. Shop around a little first.
Yeah Mine broke Sunday. Right up passenger side, nothing hit, I was prepping the car for an SPL contest and a boom and a crack later :angry: .

Sorry to hear bud, they retail for $340, i bet i could get it installed for that much or less GIMME A CALL.
Crazirich,Jul 6 2005, 10:59 AM Wrote:Sorry to hear bud, they retail for $340, i bet i could get it installed for that much or less GIMME A CALL.

^^^there's a deal for sure!^^^
here is a pic :)
[Image: P1010420.jpg]
[Image: P1010417.jpg]
WOW!!!! :o that's rough man!
Standard Auto Glass in Brampton charges $230 - 250 for a focus windshield........ that's crappy news on what happend though.
im going to get it done for $250 at Nicols in St. Catherines tommorrow, thanks for all the imput :)

now its off to work, and hopefully nothing else hits my car :lol:
Hey that happened to me too...but it wasnt that bad i just got it filled in.
too bad you didn't have that part (whatever fell off the truck)...if you did, I'd have had one hand on the wheel as I chased him down, the other dialing the cops on my cell phone to nab him.

there are soooo many trucks in a shitty state of repair on the road :angry:

obviously the important thing is that you're ok...
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