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Now Im just wondering has anyone figure out how to change or stop the all most annoying blinker noise the focus makes.
If so. I would love to know how. :unsure:
Mason,Jun 13 2005, 12:16 PM Wrote:Now Im just wondering has anyone figure out how to change or stop the all most annoying blinker noice the focus makes.
If so. I would love to know how. :unsure:

While you're learning how to do that, a good course to take in preschool is spelling.

Noise... noice is the ricer way of saying nice...
Ack. didnt even notice that. Its s**t being at work and typing back and forth between windows.

But at anyrate im assuming you dont know how either.
Mason,Jun 13 2005, 12:34 PM Wrote:But at anyrate im assuming you dont know how either.

LOL True, and I don't think anyone's figured it out yet. What's also strange is that the sound is almost silent in some cars, loud in others. You can't even hear mine unless the windows and vents are closed and the stereo is off...

For the most part, the sound is made by the bulb physically turning on and off... dunno if there's really a way to kill it short of replacing it with an LED...
Some one eles has to have hated it as much as I do and "fixed" it by now.

Mason,Jun 13 2005, 01:39 PM Wrote:Some one eles has to have hated it as much as I do and "fixed" it by now.

Most are worried about more, needed things on the focus. :P
Goto the Jet and do a search. I know there are people there who have had it modded.
i dont notice it anymore, the only time i do is when im a passenger in my friends focus.
anybody else notice it is exactly the same sound that a bottle cap makes when you push the top in and out wiht your finger?
It sounds like the sound you make when you want a horse to move.
ANTHONYD,Jun 13 2005, 02:07 PM Wrote:It sounds like the sound you make when you want a horse to move.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I remember reading something on Focaljet about removing it.. I think they might have said it was a speaker or something making the sound, but it's buried somewhere up inside the dash. Something like that, but my memory isnt so great sometimes.
I believe the buggers used to be a solenoid, at least that's what it was in my old truck. I bet they are still a solenoid if they are a ticking sound. But I think you can get aftermarket solenoids that are either silent or give a different tone.
Yeah, It's a small diaphram speaker WAY inside the dash somewhere.
It's inside the turn signal switch. There is a mod for it somewhere, maybe focus hacks. I did read about it on FJ though. It is very involved..
You sure it ain't a relay? Like every other car in the world? :rolleyes:
i like the blinker noise - its soothing compared to the other crap on the market

even the wife likes it compared to others - just leave it alone and maybe just maybe..... it will go away on its own
Mine's rather loud sounds like a bottle cap top being pushed in. But I don't notice it anymore.. that could be cuz I hardly ever signal :D
Fingers,Jun 13 2005, 05:48 PM Wrote:You sure it ain't a relay?  Like every other car in the world?  :rolleyes:

It is electronic. The turn signal switch has everything inside it. There is no more relay etc...
I HATE MINE!!!! Its way louder than others in the 05 IMO. My grandpa's 00 is nice and tolerable. Mine is like an in dash metronome!! :blink: I can't wait to kill it. or hook up the old school buzzer LOL :P