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Full Version: Anyone Want Photo's Of...?
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I was detailing a 2003 wagon today and had the seats, floor console, and arm rest all removed to steam clean the carpet and I didnt have my camera but I was curious if the next focus I take apart, should I take pictures for any reason....mainly for the people that want to run wires under the carpets and such.??

If anyone think a few shots and how to take apart your console photos would be useful, post here and I'll probably be able to do it in the next week or so!!!
i wouldn't mind some as i plan on taking my console out in the next week or 2 .. how many screws was it? 4?
yeh, in the cup holders...

5speed just pulls think you gotta press the plate down first..

I'll check and get back to you,,
It might be helpfulr guys who are planning on taking on abig job. I know I'd like to see what I was up against.