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Full Version: Cleaning Crud...
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Ok, so I noticed about a week ago that there was some sort of foreign material on the hatch of my car. I have no idea what the hell it is or how it got there, but it looks nasty. Whatever it is, its creamght brown in colour and its dried right on there and I can't get it off! Looks like caked on egg or something else equally gross... I tried wiping it off with just cloth and water, adn then tried to *shudder*, scratch it off with my fingernail but that didn't work either... Do any of you guys know of a product that might help soften whatever it is enough that I could get it off?
Did you try Tar and Bug remover by TurtleWax. It takes just about everything off.
Nope haven't tried that, I'll pick some up after work and try it out.
Good Call!!

That stuff is really really good!!