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so for the guys here who have worked with fiber glass it dosent stick to masking tape Right ...... and it i wanted to make a mold of a peice i can cover it in masking tape lay the mat over it once it dries peal it off :S

personally it kinda sound too easy ? its not going to come off that easy is it ?
I'm pretty sure it bonds to masking tape. you cover the thing you want in tape to give the glass strength. use the green tape so it's easy to get off the mould
When I made the mold of my hatch interior, I covered the area in masking tape, then put aluminum foil over that just to be safe from any spot I might not have sealed well. I did the fiberglass mold and just had to peel the tape off the carpet, then pick the tape and foil off of the glass. Most of it comes off fine but little pieces wouldnt come off well..

The tape is really there so that you can pull the mold away from the area you're covering in glass, since the resin will glue on to whatever you're molding.

Also note, hardened resin will not come off of anything, make sure you mask around the area to avoid damages from drips.
hehehe, what exactly are you glassin?

I saw that you were looking for stock grills....
it will stick to anything that it can.

use duct tape if you really want to be on the safe side.
lol when i am bored at home i start taking stuff out of my car and seeing what i can make

i wish my digi cam was working i'd show u guys my progress

this weekend i will post pics

The glad stretch wrap stuff ... Whats it called ... seran wrap.

That doesnt stick to fiberglass.