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So the levers to allow people in and out of the back snapped off and I understand that i have replace the entire assembly. I'm basically looking for suggestions on what to do... new seats, svt seats, corbeau, blah blah blah. The service manager at the dealer said he can't do anything cheap (i.e. less than replacing the assembly brand new at mucho dinero). I'm in the Toronto area so any help would be appreciated.
T.O. Focus,Apr 4 2005, 01:47 PM Wrote:So the levers  to allow people in and out of the back snapped off and I understand that i have replace the entire assembly. I'm basically looking for suggestions on what to do... new seats, svt seats, corbeau, blah blah blah. The service manager at the dealer said he can't do anything cheap (i.e. less than replacing the assembly brand new at mucho dinero). I'm in the Toronto area so any help would be appreciated.

no warrAnty? that shouldnt just snap off
..should it :huh:
They actually snap off pretty easy, as they're just plastic. I had the one snap off on the drivers side seat, i was thinkin of trying to crazy glue it back on but the weather hasn't been great, but when its nice i'm gonna give it a try.
Heh yea man that happened to me this winter too.

Im thinking about crazy gluein it back on too.... i wonder what type we should use... on mine the actual peice of metal snapped the one connecting the lever to the seat... so maybe some type of crazy glue for metal... well if i do it successfully (or not) ill let ya know of my outcome.

where exactly did it snap off? did it take some of the metal off with it?

this happened to me while doing some spirted driving and a friend who was being a retard.
It's not just plastic that snaps off boys, it's the little metal that comes with it... that's part of a 14" tilt assembly.. can't just change the one part, you have to swap the whole thing out... I've done both drivers and passenger side.. couple hundred bucks a piece unless you can convince ford to do it under warranty as I did...

As for suggestions, talk to Malby about Tom Motorsports seats... you'll need Corbeau brackets, but the seats are good and cheap, and look nice :)
I had two replaced at different times under warranty without problem.
I got My Tom Motorsport seats and the Corbeau Brackets for Just under $650. I just finished putting them in tonight. I'll go take pictures now!
I've had that part replaced under warranty 3 times now. :o :lol:

Im not kidding.
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My passenger seat on broke off for the second time this winter. I just don't know if its worth replacing again.
It's definitely the metal that broke. See the problem with the warranty issue is that I bought the car 2nd hand and got extended warranty coverage being the car is a 2000. The assembly is not covered from my understanding anymore. Also, the service guy at Meadowvale said he couldn't do anything for me, not even cause I bought the car from there, because I don't get my car serviced there on a regular basis (I don't think I ever wanted to smack someone more). But that's a whole other discussion topic.

Anyhoo, what about used, as I'm thinking of getting rid of this thing in about a year possibly? Is in Canada or the States? Or should I just go new? ie. Tom's They look sweet btw!!! I only worry about selling the vehicle with such a visible modification down the road. I mean, it's not like I could put the broken ones back in. :)

Thanks for the help.
Mine got busted about a year ago. Never fixed it either.
I wonder if it could be welded back together?

That is piss a poor design if so many are breaking and it is so difficult to replace.