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I have been making my own MAF housing for about a 2 months now , I have them in 2.5 inch and 3 inch
These are made from Alum piping and billet block for the electronics they are 7 inches and cost 75.00 either size

I also sell the block that the electronice bolts to so you can put them in your own piping

The black unit at the bottom of the picture is the Diablosport MAF`a this unit works with the stock electronics and is adjustable , This way if later you have more boost and need bigger injectors you wont have to recal your MAF anymore

I sell the MAF housing and the Diablosport MAF` a for 220.00

[Image: DSC01141.jpg]

what kind of HP/flow support for the 2.5 and 3 inch tube?

will it work no matter if its svt or regular zetec electrinics?
How much are your raptor scanners?
I will check on the Raptor scanner for you, I sell the SCT ProRacer for 750.00 and that comes with the SCT Raptor with it

How much just for the Diablo MAF AI
ZX3TUNR,Apr 4 2005, 04:16 AM Wrote:How much just for the Diablo MAF AI


just the raptor? I already have the PRP.. they didn't come with raptor for FREE back then :(