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My MBRP Got in today, I will be installing it this weekend.
Looks Very well made.
330$ shipped to my door.

[Image: Exhaust1.jpg]

[Image: exhaust2.jpg]
wow...that's nice chromey, where did you get it from? and where are you from?
Bought it from MBRP, Im in Guelph Ont.
Nice purchase. You will like it ;)
SHWEET! "Shiny!" B)
Awesome're gonna love it...

I see that you got the 2nd gen like me too...just the plain tube type tip...which I find looks rather tastefull...only thing that sux about it, is that it get's dirty really easy in winter weather...but with some WD40 and a rag, she's all polished in only a minute...

The most obvious difference will be when you start the car for the first time, when the engine is cool or cold, and the fast-idle engages at first...but then when it goes down to 800-850rpm, you won't even notice that the car has an aftermarket exhaust...that is, until you start's fairly loud when accelerating slowly/gently, but under hard throttle, it's not much louder than stock...especially above 4000.

Next difference you'll notice is that your car IS going to be faster and more responsive...I don't doubt the power gains claimed by MBRP or FJ at all. You're gonna use 1st and 2nd gear faster, and the car is going to be mildly quicker accelerating at highway speed. Also, when accelerating normally in the city, roll down the glass and listen...sounds like you have a straight 6 in the car and not the yeah, and you're gonna notice the lack of buzzing or popping or "farting" sounds that Universal exhausts have...

Glad you got an MBRP, only problem is, what's gonna happen if everyone get's one? Gonna be hard to stand out! lol!

Is there any welding required ?or Just a Saturday afternoon rip out the old and hang up the new!
Penwraith,Mar 10 2005, 09:54 AM Wrote:Is there any welding required ?or Just a Saturday afternoon rip out the old and hang up the new!

Its not just a simple "rip" out, you will need a sawzall

hey, I recomend you go slow when removing the stock exhaust, cut it properly and cleanly and keep it. Someone will eventually buy it. There are ALWAYS people looking for stock exhausts. So the better condition you keep your stock one in, the better chances you have of selling it.
Good idea ZOOM.

As far as the Install, The biggest issue i think im gunna run into is removing the Stock Pipe off the Flex Pipe.
After that It should be gravy.
From experience don't even bother trying to use a ratchet to get the bolts off, they're gonna be so rusted and chewed up all you'll do is waste your time. I ended up just taking my car to an exhaust shop to have them cut the bolts off. It only cost me a round of coffee's for the guys working there. Once the bolts are off the only other tough thing i found was getting the exhaust off the hangers.
I have a cutting torch, and a Dremmel. So im not too worried about it.

Ya it prolly would helped if i had had a cutting torch, oh well its done now.
anohter way to do it, lacking proper cuttign tools is to unbolt the flex pipe from the cat and takign the whole thing off. then used whatever method u like to cut, slash remove the bolts

my freind also jsut ordered one for his focus, i think mbrp is the new stock exhaust for focuses in canada.
Actually, MBRP is beginning to piss me off. I called them up the other day and told them we had 2 Focus sedans that wanted the cat-back installed. They were supposed to call me back Wednesday, and they never have. You'd think 2 guaranteed sales and installs would make them happy, and they'd be happy to arrange the appointment. No such luck. Must be great being that big and not needing certain sales.

So, at this point, we have two options: tell MBRP to go dam themselves, or drive down, get the exhaust kits, and have them put on here in North Bay. That's quite annoying as they said they've got facilities in Huntsville to do this.

So, I'm might wait for at least another couple of weeks to see what happens. I still might go down next Friday, depending on my mood :angry:
So are you installing it Saturday morning?
Need a hand or any tools?
NOS2Go4Me,Mar 11 2005, 03:05 PM Wrote:Actually, MBRP is beginning to piss me off. I called them up the other day and told them we had 2 Focus sedans that wanted the cat-back installed. They were supposed to call me back Wednesday, and they never have. You'd think 2 guaranteed sales and installs would make them happy, and they'd be happy to arrange the appointment. No such luck. Must be great being that big and not needing certain sales.[right][snapback]92854[/snapback][/right]

In the middle of snow machine season MBRP is going to be a pretty busy place. I believe that is there "core" business. They will probably love you once the snow is gone.
Hate to thread jack, but they actually called today!

I cut 'em some slack, we're heading down there April 1st.
Don't worry's worth the wait...I had been waiting almost a year before I had both the time and extra cash to go to Huntsville to get that exhaust. But, as soon as I got it on, and drove down from Huntsville to Gravenhurst (stopped at one of the bakeries there on my way home for my mom), man was I a happy camper. Driving through downtown Gravenhurst was so much fun...I had every single person that was out walking turn to look at what they were hearing...that alone was worth! still thinking of coming down to Pet? There doesn't seem to be as much feedback or interest now as there was before...
Yeah we're interested... I'll post up in the right thread :D