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Hey guys, I was wondering if there is any way to get a "turbo sound" from my '01 ZTS wihout the actual turbo. I can't get enough of it!! :P :headbang:

Jackpot Gold 2001 ZTS
KADOOMENT95,Feb 23 2005, 05:12 AM Wrote:Hey guys, I was wondering if there is any way to get a "turbo sound" from my '01 ZTS wihout the actual turbo. I can't get enough of it!! :P  :headbang:

Jackpot Gold 2001 ZTS
If the turbo 'sound' isn't accompanied by an actual turbo it's just :fag: .
My "homemade" short ram sounds like it's sucking back small children at low RPMs :)

Is that good enough? :huh:
you should have never posted this, you might wanna put the flame suit on........... :unsure:
[Image: 1095154581340_BOV_Horn.jpg]

I got one of these on my car and its sooooo sick here is my car,

[Image: cav_2.jpg]
Ahh I found the answer you were looking for turbo sound thingy
silver02svtf,Feb 23 2005, 12:28 AM Wrote:Ahh I found the answer you were looking for turbo sound thingy

He'll need this to go with it: Intercooler
I think Visions carries them.
hardk0re,Feb 23 2005, 05:36 AM Wrote:
silver02svtf,Feb 23 2005, 12:28 AM Wrote:Ahh I found the answer you were looking for turbo sound thingy

He'll need this to go with it: Intercooler
Ya I saw that b4...that's just too much!
A cheap alternative to whistles and electronica:

Try on of these with a little duct tape, :lol:

and you guys think I start gay-ass threads!!

...'turbo sound'....*GEEZ*./..I almost thought you were kidding...

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
Make a "phhhhhhhhsss" sounds between your shifts. :P :lol:
Get a digital voice recorder, pull up next to an Eclipse or anything else with a turbo. Ask him to make a few passes with you. Record the best sounds and burn them to an audio CD. Loop as required.

I'm serious - if you're THAT desperate to have turbo sounds, go for it. Just be prepared to explain why the BOV is mounted in your door speakers :lol:
MaDD TiTe y0!!

oh oh.. i have an even cheaper alternative for you!! when you accelarate away from people.. hit the gas gently for a while.. then floor it all of a sudden.. so then people will go.. OHhH s**t s0N dA Zt3C KiCkEd In y0

and you don't even have to buy a single part!!

OMG, do you want me to kick your ass or do you want me to just watch you do it?

Hi guy, im looking for the sound of a car, witout having a car. I need to impress this blind chick im dating. im gonna roll her off in a wheel chair and play this master tape of a ferrari engine, she'll be impress by my bling. :lol:
Poor N00b
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