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How much are you guys paying for Brembo blank rotors??

I may be able to organize a group buy [not through PI] for you guys on these....

just need to know what you guys are typically paying for Brembo's specifically
and if i can get a good price for you...

how many people would be interested?
I'd buy at least two pairs, I'll need a pair soon as my current ones are starting to pulse (warped?). Do you do carry EBC pads as well? price for "green"?
I want to do a swap of the rear drums, so I would be interested in two pairs
depending on how much, I may just buy some for next brake change.


They're like $100 on Ebay.

I'd possibly be interested.
Yeah you can get cross drilled brembo's through eliteauto (located in scarborough) of of ebay... So what you do is bid on them there and pick them up instead of paying for the delivery. I just ordered a set of 4 (fronts and rears) for my SI-R. Total came to $210. And they do cash deals!

lordkingod,Feb 17 2005, 09:23 PM Wrote:Yeah you can get cross drilled brembo's through eliteauto (located in scarborough) of of ebay... So what you do is bid on them there and pick them up instead of paying for the delivery. I just ordered a set of 4 (fronts and rears) for my SI-R. Total came to $210. And they do cash deals!


i know who you are talking about...

and i can likely beat their price...

are we saying $100/pr? or each?

BTW-- eliteauto is crissdrilling the rotors themselves...not cool IMO
I'm assuming these won't fit 14" stockers :o

What size rim will I need to make these dance?
I'd be interested if the price is right, I'm gonna be in need of some soon. And like 2001 ZTS said can you get a price for the EBC Green Stuffs?
I'm due as well.
NOS2Go4Me,Feb 18 2005, 09:15 AM Wrote:I'm assuming these won't fit 14" stockers :o

What size rim will I need to make these dance?

These (normal brembo blanks) should fit your car.

best price is $95/pr for front out the door...

not a ton better then $100 ebay rotors....but still cheaper and you know who you are delaing with...

let me know if you guys want to start it up for sure....
How long do we have till?


$95 taxes in? Sounds decent.

Too bad I can't pick them up.
anyone have a pic of them? or a pic of them on a car?

and i'm also interested in a pair of the "dustless" pads if you can get them
schade,Feb 18 2005, 07:01 PM Wrote:anyone have a pic of them? or a pic of them on a car?

and i'm also interested in a pair of the "dustless" pads if you can get them

They look like plain brake rotors.

I think anthony can get the Carbon Fibre KVR ones....Thats what i use and they dont create to much excessive dust.
yea we sell the KVR ones too..

i will get a price on the EBC pads for you guys tomorrow...i'm on my day off today :)
SVT's count too?
I'm in for the blanks, and probably the pads as well.
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