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Just curious how good this stuff is.

I got some sort of gunk on the focus most likely over spray from the shop. Curious if the Clay bar will get it fealing nice and smooth again.
Go to a detail shop and have them show you how to use it. It can really destroy a paint finish if you rub it the wrong way. <_<
Good thing Meford's old lady only knows how to rub it the right way


I love clay bar.

This summer before a car show, my car was retardedly covered in road tar. It was nuts, anything from that dark black tar around the wheel wells, to that brown rust looking tar on the rear bumper.

It takes a looong time, but its definitely worthwhile. It took me a couple hours to do most of my car, but I spent my time wisely.

Definitely worth it if you ask me.
I have both the mothers set and the meguiars set.

I like meguiars, but mothers has a nice cinamonny smell to it... ha ha ha ha

[Image: 04-02-05_0229.jpg]

[Image: 04-02-05_0230.jpg]
Raine,Feb 4 2005, 06:24 AM Wrote:Good thing Meford's old lady only knows how to rub it the right way

Why, you need someone to practice on? Anytime big boy!

I might just take the car in for a good old buff job...
ZX3TUNR,Feb 4 2005, 08:27 AM Wrote:I might just take the car in for a good old buff job...

We got Tyler car power polished before the show in Sasktoon last summer. Took out all the the paint swirls and stuff the clay bar couldn't. Cost was $114 at the dealers body shops.