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Full Version: Funky!@#?updated Post Count On Homepage
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Not that its a big deal but, I've been noticing that on the homepage the number of posts displayed for most current topics is not an actual reflection of the amount of posts in the topics//

The JL audio topic has 3 replies but the the count said 0 ,,,

same with a number of topics....but its not all of them...some are completely accurate..

I even tested this last night and today./..counting the posts...making my own reply, and then checking the homepage about 6-7 times in a 20 minute period...after 20 mins they were updated....but then any posts made in between were not it was still technically behind..

yeh I have no life!!

..--anyone else notice this...
Ya it's a little whack but hey what you gonna do?
MAlby7,Jan 23 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:Ya it's a little whack but hey what you gonna do?

...I know...lets drink to the inaccurate count!! B)
Now we know where the 400 user thing came from. =P
tdot-zx3,Jan 23 2005, 04: Wrote:Now we know where the 400 user thing came from. =P

For the record....I'm completely innocent....I had nothing to do with this....uhhh anything..

Dan, you misspelt users........Should be losers.
the other day the clock was completely out of whack. like people had posted in the future. other times the clock itself was ahead by 2 hrs and hten back to normal
depends if a topic was moved or edited. that throws it off sometimes..
keep quite mirco :P