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Im looking for everyones thoughts on these..

Thier made from 6061 aluminum, 1/4'thick, 1 3/4" wide.

Took me 2 hours with my small amount of hand tools.

Need some seats to test them on now.

[Image: IMG_00181.jpg]

[Image: IMG_00221.jpg]
You should make a how to :D
As soon as i get seats on these to see if they line up right, Ill make a how-too.
Send em to me. Lemmie see if they work with my seats?
Sure send Me 50 bucks deposet :)
Unfortunately I don't see how the seat belt pretensioner will still work with them brackets, but still, good work... :D
Great, This is what i need... I need help making these, First off What is a "seat belt pretensioner"? Is it the seat belt assemble? I can make a bracket to mount this to the Bottom.

Please More info.
O.k. a pretensioner is what's connected to that cable you dissconnected from the seat (that black cable with the red/black plug in your pictures above). Now dissconnecting this, u will have a little annoying light come up on your dash, flashing. U could take the bulb out, but what's the point? If you have a smash, then the pretensioner (the thing that looks like a shot gun barrel on right side of the driver seat and left of the passenger), will not fire and pull your seat belt tighter making u safer.

Basically, if u fit these brackets that u have made, u might risk failing the M.O.T. (not sure what u guys call it, but its the test ur car goes thru every year making sure the car is safe), and u've basically turned ur car into a Rally car! :lol:

Now what u could do is look at where the barrel connects to the seat itself (which I believe is a sticky out bolt thing). U can see it here...

[Image: 2.jpg]

Now all you need to do is make a bracket pointing upwards from the seat frame you've made. Basically its all straight forward, just copy what u see in the pic above and it will work...remember to plug the pretensioner in of course! :D

Otherwise, have a look at the pics on this topic so u can have some other ideas...
My driver side base did not have a pretensioner but the passenger side does. :huh: I used the Sparco FIA base when I installed my Sparco driver seat.
How the hell can it not have one?!?!?! :blink: :lol: o.k., well, its nice to know that your passenger will be safe if u had a smash! :unsure: :lol: