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Full Version: Need Help And Wtb, 12" Alpine Type R
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Looking for a good deal on a 12" Alpine Type R sub. Let me know if you know of anything or any deals going on. I am checking localy here but I may as will check others to.

In the mean time I need to get the size and all the dimensions of a Alpine Type R. I started my new stereo install today :D whooo its so fun....
ebay right now man.
I love my alpine type arrrrrrrr. Make sure you get a solid amp to beat on it properly. This thing takes a sheeeyat kicking and a half.
Im going to be using my Rockford 400S amp for now. I was told it shouldnt have a prob powering ther sub. I also plan on replacing the amp in the future.
come to winnipeg, we have type-r's selling daily... Check here...

Winnipeg Heights For Sale Forum

EDIT: In winnipeg, all you hear is Alpine Type-R And Rockford HX2/HE2 Subs For Sale, And It's For 2 Reasons... It's A Decient Cheap Sub And People That Bought Em Finally Realized There's Way Better Out There! It's a Starter Sub IMO.

EDIT AGAIN: That amp is only 100x2RMS @ 4ohm And 200x2RMS @2ohm. Thats Not Alot OF Power There. Id Suggest A New Amp! Them Old School Amps Got Very Hot Too. I Had a 401S and OMG what a wreck, Sold it 2 weeks after i bought it. has some great deals on subs. They are an american company though so shipping might be a little pricy. and alpine DOES NOT offer a warrenty on the subs if you buy through etronics .. that's why there prices are so low.

A friend of mine found this out when he blew his Alpine 10" type R 2 days after getting it installed.
apparently the new alpine type-X 10" sub is 1000RMS 3000peak...
type x.... those are the cf ones are'nt they?
Ass,Oct 16 2004, 11:50 PM Wrote:type x.... those are the cf ones are'nt they?
yes i believe they are
Type X, is carbon fiber with aluminum honeycomb cone. I just put in a single 12 type x in a sealed box (trying to save a little space), and it pounds. I love it. ONe thing you have got to do is break them in properly, and feed them enough power or elseyou'll be needing replacements.
ya the type x is a little too much for what I want lol