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Full Version: Installing Led's
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Hey I just bought 4 LED's that I want to hook and place in the air vents. The only problem is, is that I have no knowledge of wiring. If any body could post info on which wires to splice into etc it would be greatly appreciated. I would like to try to do it myself rather than pay someone to do it if it's fairly simple.

PM ASS about that hes the previous msaster of the LED's ;)
Yeah that's a pretty cool mod. I've been trying to figure out how to wire them into the dash lights so they dim if I dim the speedo and whatnot.
Al I can help ya with that , that is exactly how mine are wired up. If people ever have qestions or concerns about leds just let me know and I'll walk ya through it step by step. All you have to supply me with is the voltage rating of the led.
Blackzx3,Aug 1 2004, 04:40 PM Wrote:Al I can help ya with that , that is exactly how mine are wired up. If people ever have qestions or concerns about leds just let me know and I'll walk ya through it step by step. All you have to supply me with is the voltage rating of the led.
Cool Ben. Lemme know when you're free one day and we'll do it. I also gotta wire up those damned power locks (after over a year :P)
Its the orange/blue wire or the orange/black. I forget which one.
Hey, that does sound like a cool mod... maybe you could do a tutorial for it, and post it in the tutorial section. Just an idea.
That tutorial is only good if you are using 12V leds. If you use ones from an electronics store usually 4-5V each and wire them up that way. Then your going to have little puffs of smoke coming out of each vent when you throw the switch.

When al and I do this mod I'll make sure to take step by step pictures and write up a tutorial.
that tutorial is perfectly fine. Throw in a in-line resistor to bring the V down to the level that your led can handle, ask the guy at the elec shop your buying them from, he'll give you exactly what ya need.
Thanks for all the info guys. I should have it all working in the next couple of days and I'll post some pics.