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I decided to buy rca cables for my stereo...hahah//

anyhow..I got some but I dont know where I am supposed to connect/attach the small ground/remote wire??

Can I just avoid it altogether? I'm hooking up 3 sets of cables and I'd prefer to know before I do everything and reinstall it!

If you use it as a trigger wire, so the top end will go into the blue wire on the back of your deck, and the end of the wire into the remote lead on your amp. if you use it as a ground, you can wire it into the grounding screw on the back of your stereo (if equipped) or find a metal surface and put a bolt/nut through it and attach the wire. At the other end, just look for a ground screw, or find a screw going into the metal casing of the amp and connect the other end there.