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that looks really good, the front fender is different look. i like the side skirts.
Marc you hit the nail right on the head.

I have been mulling over this from day one, from the side view, the front end and fenders look really "busy" while the rear is somewhat plain. I am in the process of painting my own mirrors and side mouldings, but I am not sure what to do to over come this unbalanced effect. Any help?
talk to me this week, we can set up a time and design some nice grafics that you can do in a little bit darker grey than the paint, position them on the rear quarter panel and it should balance it off just right.

lets see, what we can come up with.

great ......

looks really cool when your mommy is driven it to the Sears outlet store too....hehehehehe
Hey different boy, looks wicked. I have always and will always hate that wing, but the car has really come together now. Damned lot of good work, and it really shows. Try to make sure it doesn't get stolen eh? **thumbs up**
Lookin sick tony. Everything is coming together really nicely. Looks like I might be selling my Carbon wing pretty soon if you might be interested let me know.

Blackzx3,May 31 2004, 06:42 AM Wrote:Lookin sick tony. Everything is coming together really nicely. Looks like I might be selling my Carbon wing pretty soon if you might be interested let me know.

Say it ain't so Ben...... :lol:
Which wing? I already have one.... but if yours is nicer...
Sad, but true.. it all flows well together. Not my style at all, but you managed to keep it very clean in nature.
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................different-a-roni the San fransisco treat........................................................................hehehehehe.............................................................................................................

thats the biggest different ball I have ever seen..... what in gods name were you thinkin man......your a disgrace to the club .....I will hang my head in shame forever more....I am even considering selling my car cause of that should be ashamed of your do that to a pirfectly good automatic.................hehehehehe

signed...."the old fart"

Looks...........umm Good

Not too crazy about the APC tails and the HIDs, they don't seem to go togethter.
That's why i want to get rid of mine anyway!

But maybe a three piece mid wing would match up the front with the rear?!

But keep up the good work!
You've definately got a ride that will stop most people in their tracks and take another look!
Did you still wanna get rid of that header + hi flow cat? I am still interested....
Sorry, i decided to put the Header on until emissions testing is 100% gone.
Then i'll switch to a race header, just so i don't get screwed in the meantime, 'cause that would be my luck! :lol:
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