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Full Version: Part# For 170 Degree Thermostat
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I know this is a relatively cheap and easy mod to do... but does anyone have a part number for a 170 degree thermostat?
Steeda sell thems... Thats all I know..
i would do a search on focaljet about changing the thermostat. there has been some pretty good discussions over there about them.
Give Paul a call at Steeda or check there Live Chat on there site..
i bought mine for the Focus for like $11 from Napa
Me will not too smart but me will call
Did you guys feel any improvements after installing the 170 deg thermostat?
bigman,May 26 2004, 06:10 PM Wrote:i would do a search on focaljet about changing the thermostat.  there has been some pretty good discussions over there about them.

I just got mine from Steeda. Its going on at the end of march when the car gets boosted. Is there something I hsould know about it...

*going to FJ to use their wonderful search feature :rolleyes:


Focused,May 26 2004, 06:38 PM Wrote:i bought mine for the Focus for like $11 from Napa

Me too, I got a 180 degree for like $10, from Napa.
IMO a 190 would be about ideal.

180 (which I use currently) is well past the point of diminishing returns... and a 170 is way WAY past the point of dimishing returns.


Isn't the stock thermostat a 195 though? What difference would 5 degrees make?
welding B)

Welcome to our nest.
Could you elaborate on this issue. I have teh 170 thermostat and its going in at the end of the month with my turbo and tune. Should I be worrying about something. I tried searching on FJ but their Search sucks donkey balls.
Well, you aren't gaining anything by making the car run colder when it is under light load.

If you put in a 180 you will probably find the car runs considerable colder when puttering around. You will also find that the heater and defroster aren't effective until a longer period of time elapses first thing in the moring - which gets old quick.

However you will also probably find that when you run under heavy load that the temp comes almost back up to where it would be with a 198 (stock / 92C) by the time you have run through a couple gears.

I logged it with OEM and then a 180 within the last year or so... it's over on FJ FI.

I really can't imagine that a 170 could provide any advantage at all over the 180.
sorry to go off topic but is this the same welding_rod with the precision turbo kit?
Any way welcome to the site man :D